Discussion: Sheriff: Montana GOPer Accused Of Assault Declined Request For Interview

Sheriff’s gotta protect his sugar daddy, right?

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Billionaires Lives Matter!


Well, if he’s a billionaire, why would he even need a measly $100K? Or is that just to show their fealty to him?

Socky’s back… Like a bad rash…


The Sheriff has to play the odds. If the guy wins, he’s going to be going to his office for department grants, etc. All he really could do is not answer.

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Same as the fundraisers for fundie businessmen/women who don’t want to serve teh gayz.

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Um, if you’re investigating an assault, why do you let the prime “person of interest” leave the scene???


Jacobs needs to hire a good attorney and file suit against this clown.


The same thing that’s wrong with the Americans in red states, KS, LA, KY, etc who continue to vote for Rs who only want to deny them basic healthcare and deny them human dignity…


If it’s something mocking trumPP, there is nothing OT.


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Yea, the white republican gets a polite, decline-able invitation for an interview when everyone knows if this was a brown guy he’d have been gunned down at the scene by the thugs…errr sheriff’s department. America is great again.


I saw on Twitter that a reporter told a convenience store worker about the assault, and she was all in for Gianforte.

I really wished he had told her exactly what question got the over-the-top response - that of the CBO’s assessment of the republican health care plan. This woman just might need affordable health care someday…

or tomorrow or next week or next year.


If anybody doesn’t fully understand what “body slamming” is, it’s this. It even sounds painful. Jacobs appear to be of slight build, and the assailant appears much bigger.

a wrestling throw in which the opponent’s body is lifted and brought down hard to the mat

@chelsea530 I can just see this woman wearing a hand lettered shirt inviting a grabbing.

@the_mask The days aren’t long enough to prioritize the abominations. I’ll settle for trumPP pushing aside the prime minister of Montenegro, aspiring NATO member.


And when you have a FUX News crew backing up what a vicious attack it was, you know it was more than just a mere misdemeanor assault…


He assaulted somebody? Hell, he wins this election Trump’ll put him up for the FBI opening.

I guess the reporter should just be grateful to have been ignored by the sheriff rather than body slammed. Great era we’ve entered.

Intent must be part of the consideration of what the assailant did. He wanted to hurt Jacobs. He did.

@the_mask Speaking of governors, and I live in California, just today The Old Man and I were talking about ours, Jerry Brown, and how remarkable and thoughtful he’s been throughout his long career. He was a Jesuit and still practices Christianity as he goes through life.


Heckuva job, Brownie… (except your brief stint at FEMA)…

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