Discussion for article #223455
Does anyone other than TPM care what this bitch is doing?
Dang, I always get her mixed up with the other one.
Saw this earlier at Media Matters.
I guess she’s too old to fit in a slot at FOX.
What Sharrrrrrrrrrron Angle?
Oh good grief. What impulse does this “straight/balanced/unskewed” BS satisfy for conservatives? Is it that they are desperate to be “right” all the time and closed off to the potential for changes in view point? Do they need to convince themselves constantly that they aren’t consuming a completely inbred political ideology?
And seriously, a “straight down the middle” website with a hardcore BENGHAZI! enabler for a reporter?
Isn’t “straight down the middle” simply another way of saying “fair and balanced?”
Yup. “Does Obama hate the USA, on a scale of 1 to 10 at a twelve or a twenty?”
Sixteen it is. Straight down the middle®!
Great idea!
What could go right?
“straight down-the-middle-journalism.”
3 Lies for the price of one! That’s efficiency we can believe in.
I can just picture the scene at Heritage right now:
Jim DeMint: “Sharyl, here’s the deal. We are going to go after President Obama with all guns a-blazin’ No matter what it takes, we are going to make sure the Kenyan Marxist is a one-term President and we are going to make dam sure that this Obamacare thing becomes his WATERLOO!! Are yew with me, darlin’ ??”’
The Heritage Foundation - a perfect fit for her.
“Liar for hire”
It was only a matter of time!!
“Straight-down-the-middle-journalism” doesn’t mean very much if the range of opinion is narrow to begin with.
Laura Ingraham 2.0