Discussion: Seven People Arrested After Fights Break Out Outside Yiannopoulos Speech

There are plenty of conservatives, who are neither racists nor trolls, who are fully capable to opine, however wrongly, that rich men’s taxes should be lower, corporations should be regulated less but women’s bodies more, etc, without danger of inciting riots. I don’t believe for a minute that Senators McCain, Flake, Collins, Snowe, Paul or Cruz would provoke more than a handful of people holding picket signs. This is all about the speaker.


So who invited the Nazi pedophile to speak? Oh, I see, It was the college Republicans. I guess that was a given.

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Yes, it’s the cowardly Young Conservatives that haven’t yet figured out how to make an argument go their way and win, invite a well know shit stirrer to campus so that they finally have some one stand up for them. When what they really need to be learning on campus is how to make a lot money so they have enough to give to their mega church of choice and their political party/candidate of choice.

This whole “free speech” tour would die quickly on the vine if people just ignored Milo and his ilk. You don’t have to like him, you don’t have to agree with him, but your tactics are only making him stronger.


There is nothing that narcissitic freak won’t do to draw attention to itself. And Rebekkah Mercer keeps financing it…


’ I feel sorry for her because she has so much anger.’ Oh yes. And the fear and loathing you promote while pretending it’s ‘free speech’ is just ‘concern’.