Every time I think these vile bastards can sink no lower - they do. The fact that this bitter, old racist is our Attorney General is an insult to us all.
We’re all immigrants now, if Republicans keep power too much longer. This doesn’t end with big raises for American labor, but with people living with their parents until they’re 40 because they can’t afford an $800 apartment on 8 bucks an hour. Family values of the Grand Old Politburo.
Hopefully there is video… it should be played in every congressional race across the country.
Coretta Scott King warned us…
Sessions’ worldview (including his racism) is firmly set in the 1950’s. Calling the opposition to his family separation policy the “radical fringe” is akin to senior citizens in the '60’s and '70’s complaining about the “hippie radicals”. How did we ever get to the point where someone like this is the Attorney General in 2018?
Demonizing the other tribe is what we do in America. This has become something both sides do. We shouldn’t be surprised when Sessions is well received in a crowd of his fellow travelers. What we need to do is return to shared American values of decency. I don’t see that happening anytime soon.
Justice also referred to as “karma” takes different forms. Granny Sessions vacated Senate seat was ultimately filled by Doug Jones.
This vile, corrupt and whole-hearted rascist bigot will hopefully find retirement in whatever form it takes less than ideal and just for the cruelty he personally championed.
I have no idea what percentage of the American people live in gated communities ( nor does Sessions ) or whether the critics of Trump’s border policy live in them. Sessions fabricated the data he used in that statement. But I’m glad me made it and I hope he keeps doing so. Insulting the people of this country isn’t good politics. I’d like to see this creep go down hard and he’s on track, with a joke like that, to do it.
There is definitely video. I saw it last night and it made my blood boil. The clip should be aired each and every day, particularly in the run up to the election in minority districts. They think this shit is funny.
Emails and speeches. Sigh.
That lunatic fringe includes 66 percent of the fucking country. And forgive my incivility, but die slowly and painfully. That wouldn’t equal the pain you’ve inflicted, not nearly, but it would shut your damn mouth.
Funny thing is that Sessions, at 71, is of an age to have been one of those hippie radicals, but he chose to stick with his vile “heritage”.
They played part of it on Nicolle Wallace’s show, even to the part where the audience laughed. Disgusting. He had that stupid smirk on his face. But Nicolle and Elise Jordan were furious and said that if he okays babies and older children being taken from their parents, then they guess that they’re part of the radical fringe!
Steve Schmidt added that he used to know Attorneys General who actually knew how to read. That panel was on fire yesterday.
Also, this was hilarious:
These same people live in gated communities…
I wish I could tell you the republicans I know, especially in the South, who live in those gated communities. Afraid of those brown-skinned people, don’t ya know.
Hopefully someone can get fully cleared access to this video and put it up on a site so that it is easy to paste it as a link in emails, on twitter, etc.
Did not trump sign an EO about family separations? Was that EO just for show? I guess it takes a judge to get trump working in the right direction
Pathetic little boy .
“The rhetoric we hear from the other
side on this issue, as on many others, has become radicalized,” Sessions
said. “We hear views on television today that are on the lunatic
fringe, frankly.”
Saying jailing babies is bad is lunatic fringe?
Well then, count me as a proud lunatic.
But then I haven’t been on TV. Just politely writing my Congresswoman (an R) who does not respond.
About time for an address to gated community ratio check on the major players and candidates.
“gated communities” - the latest weaponized image from the republican propaganda machine to deflect from their inhumane policies