Discussion: Sessions Rebuffs Trump Claim That He's Not In 'Control' Of DOJ


Why do I get the feeling that shit is on a collision course with fan?


The first 2 legislators to endorse trump for Prez are under Indictment. #3 is…checks notes…Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III . Such is loyalty in the Drump universe.


Guys…guys…let’s handle this civilly. So don your hoods for a tiki-torch duel at 5 paces.

PS: don’t forget your matching khakis and polos.


If you look to your right, you will see the Great Potomac Swamp. Those two critters you see simultaneously fellating and attacking each other are two of the more odious examples of the Lesser Swamp Scum Skipper.


Trump is lashing out in all directions feeling the heat of a thousand tiki torches. Brilliant move by Mueller moving the Cohen investigation to SDNY, thus giving it cover from Trump’s wrath.

By my count, there’s Mueller, SDNY, the NY AG, the NY state IRS, among others I’m sure, already involved. There are too many investigations across too many agencies for Trump to put the genie completely back in the bottle.


“You know, the only reason I gave him the job is because I felt loyalty,” Trump said.

Ironically enough, that’s exactly what Putin said about Trump.


Because you can never have too many gratuitous references to Airplane!


While I am Attorney General, the actions of the Department of Justice will not be improperly influenced by political considerations.

When did Sessions reverse course? Or perhaps he simply acknowledged that under his leadership the DOJ will be properly influenced by political considerations, i.e., to effectuate the President’s agenda.


Just unclear who is the fan and who is the shit… :smiley:

God I feel sick about the fact that i feel sorry for this little racist shit. The truth is that Trump can fire him (and given the sentencing reform issues, Grassley and others want him to go) the real issue is if in doing so Trump bypasses Rosenstein and tried to install a temporary head of DOJ who will fire Mueller.

My strong guess is that Grassley and Lady Lindsey have made clear that those are VERY DIFFERENT things, which is the only reason they are willing to break with little jeffie.

Both know the shit storm that would fall on their party if Trump tried to fire Mueller…

P.s. recent post in the Hill quoting a number of republicans that they would NOT confirm a replacement http://thehill.com/homenews/senate/403340-republicans-warn-senate-wouldnt-confirm-sessions-successor

It appears that Grassley and Lady Lindsey were way out over their skies, and the smarter folks (hard to call Cornyn smart, but I guess we are grading on a really easy curve with the CriftersOldParty) want to real them back in before Twitler does something rash.


Yeah he has and that’s why it’s bittersweet to know that he is standing between Trump and Mueller but he is. It’s the one area where Sessions doesn’t give in to Trump and doesn’t do what he wants. I hate the fucking elf so much and yet I can see that firing him would lead to a showdown with Mueller.


With Democrats and civil libertarians after him for toadying to the fascists, and tRump on his case for not toadying completely, I almost feel some sympathy for lil’ Jeffy. Almost. But not quite.


DOJ implements the presidents or Congresses policy agendas in many ways that have nothing to do with the integrity of criminal investigations and judicial proceedings.

It is a sign of just how depraved Trump is that even a scum sucker like Sessions won’t cross the line which Trump is begging, begging begging him to cross. . Which is smart, because it is a crime.


Now we know what Rudy’s been auditioning for. Poor Judge Janine, always a bridesmaid…


Is there any reason Sessions couldn’t start his own DOJ investigation into one of Trump’s many illegal acts? Seems like it would be a bigger deal to fire an AG in the middle of an active investigation of the president.


Fight of the century


Pretty thin reed to hang one’s hopes on.

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Sessions sent a clear message to Graham, Grassley and Trump. He’s not leaving. Trump ain’t firing him either because he will flip. The GOP is looking to see if the advantages they retain in Superpac money, the Senate map and gerrymandering will allow them to skate. If Rick Scott were clearly behind Bill Nelson in the average of major polls (which I expect will be the case by mid-October) you’d see a different attitude from GOP Senators.


AG Sessions is deeply committed to upholding the law. That law being, what was in existence in Alabama in 1950.


These boilerplate statements increasingly read like they should be annotated with more asterisks and footnotes than a phone contract, clarifying that phrases like ‘the American People’, ‘religious liberty’ and ‘improperly influenced’ actually have much narrower, specific definitions in Republican use than most normal people might think.