Discussion: Sessions: 'Not Sure Anyone' Could've Caught Flynn's Foreign Payments (VIDEO)

No kidding. You have to have a credit check to get clearance and if there is a question regarding your tax returns it’s a big red flag. I’m a little surprised that America’s top law enforcer hasn’t heard of the IRS.


I sure hope so. I’ll tell you this, to the extent that any of this is still going on in the next few years - as much as I loved the Obama administration, I’d be hard pressed to vote for any dem who says, “We should really just put this all behind us and look forward.”

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Yes, it’s impossible to stop a determined cheater and sociopath from defeating social and legal norms and clawing their way to the top, sort of like Session’s boss.

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every time someone in this administration is asked to explain something their go to answer is “it’s complicated”. No shit Sherlock. Why don’t you go do something more your speed like taking candy from babies. Your babies apparently wouldn’t mind, and would not hold you accountable

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Sessions is either profoundly ignorant or has zero scruples about lying, probably both. Will he be forced to recuse himself in so many cases that he will be virtually useless as AG? I hope so.

This bullshit flies for the time being but in the end it’s just piled on top of all of the other evidence that’s being gathered against most of this administration.

BSing their way through interviews is not the same as lying their way through an intelligence committee investigation.

Lawyers will use their words against them, as in, if you said that then-how can you be saying this now?
The courts are doing this to Trounce with regularity.

Have to disagree with you there, Beauregard the Elf is supremely qualified…just not as an Attorney General or any other Government position.

He is qualified to be a Professional Racist.

He is qualified to be Professional Idiot.

And as this article clearly demonstrates he is qualified to be a tuchuslecker.

If no one could have caught Flynn’s treasonous financial transactions, how do we know about them at all? Could it be Sessions and his fellow Trumpettes are either too lazy or too stupid to do their jobs?

To be fair, Flynn is a white male. What’s to vet? Amiright?

Yes to your second question. And, to your first question, you are making the mistake of trying to apply logic. The members of the media don’t seem to make that mistake in their follow-up questions.

Mmmaybe, but Ed Meese wants to have a word with you. His efforts may have kept Reagan from being impeached for Iran-Contra.

We couldn’t have caught Flynn? He was on RT, for god’s sake, and not out of the goodness of his heart. Maybe if we hadn’t been on the 8th investigation of who shifted the bullet points on a State Dept slide…

Ed wanted only to avoid losing his law license.

Ollie falling on his sword saved Reagan.

Jumpin’ Jesus!!..if no one could have caught them, how did they get caught?! This man has got to be as lame brained as the fool that hired him.

Well hell Jeffrey, President Obama knew Flynn was a fucktard because the military told him so, hence he got fired. So you must be a lousy fucking lawyer not to vet the guy, as you were on the transition team and knew more then than you’re pretending to now you Alabama piss ant.

Especially if they’re not looking very hard. And they aren’t looking very hard because, in the words of soon-to-be-former Utah Congressman Jason Chaffetz, “It ain’t pretty.”

Mah jawb is ta keep the libruls ‘n’ darkies from voting and bust the bad people who smoke marijuana, unless they’re Klansmen. And protect the president.

Nobody could have caught this! Unless, of course, they had googled “Michael Flynn” in November 2016.

It was even in the Daily Caller, FFS!

Way too many Americans really aren’t the brightest bulbs, are they.

The Obama administration gave Flynn security clearance in 2012. He was then fired by Obama in 2014.

Flynn committed felonies in 2016 while he was “being vetted” by trump as a possible VP.

So trump was relying on Obama the wire tappper Kenyan not-American citizen to have done “extreme vetting” of Flynn 3 years BEFORE Flynn committed felonies???

Yeah, if I were as stupid as a trump supporter -and holy damn they be STUPID- then I’d buy that bullshit. You’d have to be that stupid to buy it.

Donald Trump Vetting Gen. Michael Flynn for Potential VP Pick

Well there goes Donny’s lie.

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