Discussion: Sessions: NFL Should Have 'Rule' Requiring Players To Stand For Anthem

So fast Sessions can see both the front and the back of Alberto.


Ok help me out here. This is all about racist old white men freaking out. Josh’s editorial in the subject is excellent:

My question: Why does Josh – and everyone it seems – keep talking about the “fact” that white America will soon be in the minority. Even if in the near future European whites were 45% of the population, the other 55% would still be a hodgepodge of different ethnicities (20% Hispanic, 15% Asian, 12% African American, 8% whatever), and Whites would STILL be the majority group.

That’s the problem the Democratic Party is facing. We have more registered voters, but we don’t have a focused identity. The GOP is now WHITE, smaller, and focused on bigotry and maintaining the status quo. It’s ugly, and I don’t see how it going to get better. I would LOVE to see this country kick white supremacy to the curb. I just can’t see it happening. Which means I can’t see why these racist idiots feel so threatened.

What am I missing here?

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He probably would like a rule requiring people to stand at attention when “Dixie” is played, too.


Besides it being already ruled unconstitutional, what Sessions said is legitimately a slap to the face to what our soldiers fought and died for.

This fucker needs to be removed.


I think there should be a rule that candidates for government positions lose their jobs if they are found to have perjured themselves during confirmation hearings.

I know Sessions was only up for Attorney General, you know top law enforcement official in the country…

Mind boggling.


I also believe disgraced gnomes should keep their mouths shut.


Yeah, I gotta say, this one blows my mind, too. Is there no recourse for prosecuting an attorney general who lies under oath? Why is everyone just politely ignoring this crime by a prominent member of the administration?


They are talking about the country moving to majority white to majority minority where if you group non-white into a group it is the majority.

Kneel before Caesar?

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Why have they chosen this hill to die on? In the grand scheme of things, it’s quite trivial.


Sucking sinkhole of sycophancy.

Tell ya what, Jeffy; why don’t you resign, and take a job with the NFL. Then you can tell them what kind of rules you would like. For now, do you freaking job, you bigoted, lying POS!!

Another regulation from the small government folks.

The NFL should have a rule to remove politics from the sport: stop playing the national anthem, stop advertising the military, stop advertising political campaigns, stop the owners from donating to any and all political parties and campaigns in the future. That’s how you get politics out of the NFL.

Smart and civil countries know that you never demand allegiance to the flag or to the country - you earn it by treating all citizens with respect and as equals. Trump is the problem…as is Pence…as is Sessions. These Republican white racist are dividing and weakening our nation!


Bringing the anthem into a game means bringing politics into it. Players are not paid to uphold political stances. If the NFL wishes to avoid politics in football, then they shouldn’t inject politics into the game in the first place. While the anthem is playing, the players are citizens, not employees.

I understand that. But if ethnicity is your obsession, non white is NOT an ethnic group. It is a huge hodgepodge of people. If the largest ethnic group is still your group, by a mile, what’s the problem?

Yeah, but it looks like the NFL is smart enough to not tempt a player riot by trying to force the issue.

Isn’t this the anti regulation party? Making rules that prohibit free speech and peaceful demonstrations might be something that gives Jeff (Alfred E. Newman) a hardon but it’s unconstitutional. Also, here is something for the religious nut patriots complaining about the NFL players: in 1943, the Jehovah Witnesses brought suit against the West Va. Board of education for requiring students to salute the flag and say the Pledge of allegiance. When it arrived at the SCOTUS they agreed with the Jehovah Witnesses. The second amendment freakos want to blow up the First Amendment when they disagree with it.


I believe your question answers itself. Numbnut Gnome defends Dolt 45.