Discussion: Sessions Mystery: How Did Comey Know AG Would Have To Recuse Himself?

I was impressed with her when she did the first national TV (with Tapper) the other day, and even more impressed in those two hearings. She’s got a bright future ahead. Glad we have her in the Senate.


And now it is out, according to BREAKING NEWS (CNN) that Comey told Senators in closed meeting that Sessions apparently had a third meeting with Kislyak at the Mayflower.


I think this is the crucial part. And the real reason why the entire leadership of the FBI decided not to tell Sessions what was going on. When you get a whole bunch of people like that together to discuss what the president said, it’s not going to be because “Oh, Sessions is going to recuse himself because of his involvement in the campaign, so there’s no need to burden his beautiful mind with this extra information that of course he wouldn’t pass to anyone else or act on in any way.”


Sessions heard about ‘Black Russians’ and thought his segregationist background might be helpful.


It’s simple games theory - something that is an integral part of any intelligence analysis.

To me, the real revalation is how many people in the government profess ignorance to all this - whether genuinely Or otherwise.

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You see Sessions, it takes a corrupted heart to be a racist!

The Attorney General is a Russian mole?

Let’s just call him a fellow traveler.


It seems that in his old stomping grounds of Alabama that he has skeletons in his ‘closet’ if you know what I’m saying. Maybe those skeletons followed him to Moscow on the Potomac. A weakness like that in a place like DC I would think makes others know they have a trump card if all else fails. In The Senate he had political cover, in the ‘every man for himself’ White House there is no cover to be had.

Harris had her ducks in a row. She acted like a prosecutor questioning a witness, and, in the end, Comey may well be a witness. Her questions were good practice for both if it comes to impeachment.