Why do I think Sessions will somehow slide by? They are already saying he met with the Russians as a senator. If that’s true why didn’t he say yes I met with them twice, but as a Senator and not as part of the campaign? He didn’t. But, we’ll hear all day long that he actually truthful when he clearly lied. Trump, his administration and his supporters lie so often there is no longer any demand for them to tell the truth. Lies are away if life for them. Fact checking matters to us, but they simply don’t care.
I wouldn’t be surprised if nothing happens to a Sessions, and he doesn’t recuse himself from the Russian investigation.
The evidence is there. It was disseminated throughout the government as much as possible before 1/20/17 ( see NYT article).
The corruption goes all the way to the top. All that’s needed is a special prosecutor to subpoena the evidence. But who is going to appoint one? I suspect that every last one of the people who were top campaign staff were involved in this.
There has to be a special prosecutor now. The thing is unraveling too quickly; it’s time for every GOP member of Congress with any remaining instinct for survival to get in the damn lifeboats. If you’re not on the right side of this you’ll look complicit when God knows what new hideous revelations bubble up out of the swamp.
I would not be surprised either, but I don’t know that it will do them any good. They’ve been stonewalling on one hand while trying furiously to undermine the truth through attacks on the media, etc. Just when they think they have things wrapped up–Sessions as AG, Nunes and Burr on board–bang! something else comes out that’s hard to ignore. Ryan’s “there’s no there there” the other day was the final straw.
It’s almost as if magical fairies are working to ensure the investigation stays on track.
The funny part is, the longer the Republican Party covers for Trump, the more damage they’ll do themselves in the long run.
Compare the TPM headline of this story: “Sessions Met With Russian Ambassador Twice During Campaign” to the NYTimes headline: “Democrats Pounce on Russia Disclosure to Discredit Sessions”.
Really NYTimes? Democrats Pounce blah, blah blah. What’s the essence of the story here? Sad and shameful.
This is what I thought after the election when people yelled that Obama wasn’t doing anything to save us. When he insisted a report be concluded on Russian involvement before he left office you knew he was in effect stacking boxes of dynamite in the Trump administration’s basement. He was always a much, much savvier and insightful operator than most people on the right or the left ever quite realized.
How can he not be forced to resign…Today…is the bigger question.
As I indicated earlier in the week, this is going to go the independent prosecutor route. There are simply too many people involved, and WAY too many loose ends (largely left by the sheer incompetence and arrogance of the Trumpers), and most of all…MONEY lying around for this not to continue to grow and come out.
And I think most of the smart GOPers are figuring that out…and that this definitely ends up landing directly on Trump. The meetings with the Russians were clearly secretive, ongoing, and widespread through out his senior campaign folks. Hell, most of them were the ones having the meetings.
In no world does a micromanaging ego maniac like Trump let basically his entire group of advisers engage with Putin at this level without his knowledge and consent. So it IS going to end up on Trump. Its just a matter of how long to get there and how many other GOPers go down along the way.
Dems need to pass a law mandating capital punishment, or at least life in prison, for legislators who commit perjury. If anyone should know how to testify while under oath, it’s our legislators. We could eliminate the GOP within a couple of decades. /sarc