For what, not being the duly-elected President?
Karry on, Ku Klux Keebler…
Go for it, you evil little pig-dog. By the time HRC and her lawyers are through with you and your DOJ trogs, you’ll be lucky if your balls are still attached.
fake investigation
They have now idea how to govern, can’t pass meaningful legislation. They only know how to hold endless committee investigations and indulge in smearing and persecution of political opponents. As intellectually and politically barren as the Taklamakan Desert.
Interesting to note that Sessions himself as a Senator from Bama supported and voted for the Uranium mining company sale to a Russian Corporation! At the time, the State Dept. was advising congress on whether the sale was a national security threat or a bad idea. Hillary wasn’t even Sec. of State when the team of evaluators was formed to review the private company sale!
Sessions is up to his bony white ass in Russian collusion - throw little Jeffrey Beuragard in jail!
Sessions: She’s…she’s…a woman!
MAGAnauts: [audible gasps]
Sessions: And most assuredly not a lady!
MAGAnauts: Death, death to the defiler! Give us Barabbas!
Thought of another way, they are returning to their typical minority role.
Hey, Jeffy, how about you investigate how Mango Mussolini let ISIS escape Raqqa?
Trump’s final desperate projection.
This pretty much had to happen.
The good news is that we’re now that close to Game Over.
My best guess - float the balloon to please Trump - in an effort to divert the energy from the “dump Moore/&reappoint Sessions movement.”
You know when Republicans are grasping at straws - yes, when they announce yet another “investigation” of HRC.
Enough is enough. Leave her alone you idiots.
Everybody knows an investigation on Hillary or one one Comey will go nowhere and be a colossal waste of money. On the other side of the coin, it may reduce the pressure on Sessions to resign, thereby keeping him in his position as AG and unable to interfere in the Mueller investigation.
Probably dumb luck; I would never think Sessions capable of playing 3-dimensional chess or anything.
I pointed this out very early in the administration…
They love to float things like this…no actual movement, no actual orders…just “an idea that they are open to”
Its the ultimate distraction. And it works to lower the press’s bar for when they do do outrageous crap. “Hey, at least they didn’t make us watch them drown 1000 puppies, right??”
The clown parade continues.
The truly revolting part will be all the neverHillary fringies on our side doing their level damnedest to help Trump (again). We saw them scurry out from under their rocks after Brazile’s book release, and the GOP knows a distraction when it presents itself to them…on a giant plate…surrounded by vegetables…and a huge apple in its mouth.
Well if he doesn’t have the threat of ISIS to push through more “extreme vetting” then who is he going to use as a bogeyman? No one in Congress is going to write him a new AUMF, will they?
Bring it, Dopey.
Who would he name as SC??? Isaac Parker is long dead!