very disappointed
Is that like a sternly worded letter?
You just don’t mess with Le Grand Orange.
Trump’s new book “The Art Of The Disappointed Deal”.
I’ll give you one more chance. I’m going to be very disappointed. Don’t do that again. I thought we were in love. We’re not going steady anymore, Kim.
The revelations follow the collapse of talks in Vietnam last week
between North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and President Donald Trump
This is an extremely weaselly way of suggesting one thing caused another without explicitly saying so when in fact you don’t know if that’s true. There’s no reason to think the NoKos stopped research, construction and testing at all. If they temporarily stopped doing the most provocative stuff it was because they were running a different game for a while. For all we know this is a swat on Trump’s nose with a rolled-up newspaper to get more goodies from the patsy. It’s reasonable to assume this is all part of the scam.
Putz them on notice that he will be disappointed? HA! He can’t even see weak from there.
This is just a lover’s quarrel…for the entire world to see.
The weasel has a long history of existence both to its members and to the community at large.
Kim’s next love letter will be on the nose of a missile.
Do I hear faint whispers of Rocket Man?
Awww, tRumpy’s sucking up didn’t impress Kim? Even after they “fell in love?”
Will tRumpy go from “very disappointed” to “very put out?”
So tRumpy gets a big middle finger from Kim, on the same day that he racks up a record trade deficit with China.
So much winning.
In honor of our Glorious Dear Leader:
I bet that when Kim needs a good laugh, he just replays the clip of Trump talking about how they fell in love. I can’t imagine anything making him laugh till it hurts, but this might do it … or that one of his uncle being executed.
OK, gonna need some everclear in my coffee after that.
Dear Lord…
I know. A wee bit over the top…but as they’ve always said about him…the emperor has no clothes. Kim just managed to expose it on the world stage by tRump willing to show up empty-handed with nothing but a love letter for Kim. We got nothing for all his love for Kim, which was entirely predictable.