Discussion: Senators Seek Pentagon Investigation Of Torture Reports Out Of Yemen

I thought torture was OK now. I seem to recall our so-called President declare that in his administration, we’d regularly engage in “something far worse than waterboarding.”


After eight years of PBO bringing the US back to norms regarding the us of torture, here we go again.

Though this may be just another Trumpian effort to be anti-Obama, it is one thing he explicitly campaigned for.

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You hire someone named “Mad Dog” as your SecDef, and look what happens.

(Not to lay it directly at his door, but the problem, as EVERYBODY knows, is that torture only gets the subject to tell what the torturer wants to hear.)

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What use is John McCain really. All he does is issue statements and a few solemn words here and there.

He didn’t stop the torture program in the bush White House and he’s a bit late to the ballgame in this one.

The ME is an unfixable mess that we have no business in. With or without US, they will continue their holy wars and shit on their own people at least as long as the oil holds out.


It is. This explains why the Turmeric Terror so wholeheartedly supports the torturers aka the UAE.

He loves all things medieval, especially if it makes him feel like his fingers (and another thing) are normal sized.

Testing various urethritis and impotence treatments.

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At least those things would accomplish something. McCain’s supposed influence is way past its sell by date.
He is paid about as much attention as any other barking dog on a leash.

That probably ‘concerns’ him!


Torture is NOT OK with McCain. The rest of the Republican caucus is fine with it.


The GOP senators only want to find out who “leaked” this “despicable lie” and send him/her to Leavenworth … because torture “really really works.”

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Now you just wait a minute there! Jared’s gonna bring them peach.

Jared is what we call, a part of the problem-not the solution.

He’ll be lucky to be breathing free air a year from now.

The Gulf States have their own agenda and I doubt that it includes funding Jared’s vanity projects.

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I would be a lot more concerned about this chest thumping if Bush/Cheney hadn’t approved torture after 9/11.

I taught interrogation for the Army for 3 years and torture or any type of coercion is antithetical to our standards as Americans. At least it used to be. We’ve not only surrendered, but literally gave away the moral high ground.