Discussion for article #222433
Goes to show “teh stoopid” isn’t just a Republican phenomenon.
I prefer just about any Democrat over any republican, but this is beyond the pale. Does she understand the industry has no way to clean a tar sands oil spill? Look at Kalamazoo 3 years later and there is still oil all over the river bed. And when the Kochs stand to make 100 billion off the deal, is just one more reason to kill it.
that is a prime example of southern logic.
Gimme a break, Mary…I know you’re running for re-election in a very bad state, but really…
With Democrats like Landrieu, who needs Repugnicans?
I heard the API backed “Call your Senators and tell them to approve Keystone XL” ad this morning in Colorado. First of all, what does shipping tar sand sludge from Canada to New Orleans have to do with what’s going on in the Ukraine? NONE of the industrial level oil that can be pulled from tar sands is going to go to Europe and short of a massive change in the world economy, virtually none of it is going to stay in the US either. So how do these two things even remotely get connected?
Exporting LNG is another issue altogether. It could have a massive impact on tearing away Russia’s current leverage in the EU and Ukraine. Of course, its likely to make us LESS energy independent and take away a major economic advantage for US exporters of finished goods (we pay about half or less than the EU for natural gas, giving us a substantial production cost advantage)
Really? No wonder she is having to struggle to get reelected. These fools just can’t help themselves.
To all of you who think this is stupid, what is it that is burning now to keep the device you are reading on this powered? Do you know now how that energy you are using was produced, how it was burned, and over what state lines it is wafting? Let me know if anyone is using their bicycle generator to recharge their Galaxy.
Leverage the pipeline for stronger regulation of all energy mining, drilling, transport and burning. That oil is in Canada, and it is coming out of the ground whether you like it or not. It always does. Keystone can be used to make things better, but if it not built, you will be breathing in those fumes, one way or another, anyway.
this senator is my senator and she is no better than any republicon who is either on their knees either behind an energy exc kissin his ass or infront blowin him off
thats why i have a very hard time voteing in my state …and yeah this state has been goin down hill for quite a few years now under republicon rule
Yes, as a matter of fact I do. Now please explain to me how building a pipeline to move heavy tar sand oil is going to help ship gas to Europe. Because it’s not oil they need, it’s gas.
The senator from Big Oil want more for her masters. This is a surprise? I am so tired of this. I know after you have been given hundreds of thousands by your corporate masters. . Please Mary, think of someone else.