Discussion: Senator GOPer On Comey Firing: 'A Fresh Start' Will Serve Nation 'Well'

I encourage the President to select the most qualified professional available who will serve our nation’s interests.

I hear Joe Arpaio is available.


Fucking traitorous weasel. Gutless coward. Bastard.


You’re fucking kidding me! Graham is giving his OK?


At the end of the day, Graham will choose the useful idiot over country and duty. It is the GOP way.


Senate GOPer On Comey Firing: ‘A Fresh Start’ Will Serve Nation ‘Well’

Howzabout “a fresh start” at president?


I remember Graham during the Clinton impeachment hearings. He did one of the most despicable things I think I’ve ever seen. The hearing ended with 5 minute statements by each impeachment board member. Graham begged to be last and his request was granted. When his turn finally came, he proceeded to smear Bill Clinton with claims that he had raped various other women. He admitted he had no evidence and Clinton had never been charged with any of these supposed rapes, but he “warned” America about our evil President. Basically, Graham just took his five minutes and spewed bullshit all over the screen with no chance of rebuttal. I think he should have been disbarred for those shenanigans.

Lindsey Graham should be ignored every day, in every way.



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Jeff Sessions also has a cock holster.


How about Drump nominating Graham, he would be the second queen to be the director of the FBI.

I believe a fresh start will serve the FBI and the nation well.

Translation: “A fresh start will allow us to bury all the evidence that Comey uncovered that incriminates Trump in the Russian theft of our election.”

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“Given the recent controversies surrounding the director…”

So it’s Comey who’s at the center of all the controversy.

I somehow hallucinated that it was Russian moles in the Oval Office, West Wing, Justice Department, Commerce Department, and Trump campaign who caused all the controversy

Show’s you what I know…


The GOPer were in on it.


Cold case posse alert.

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Someone fresh?

We all know the guy will stink of swamp gas.

You are disgrace!

qualified professional

Is Lindsey huffing paint?

Interesting… Lindsey’s normal dance partner, Gramps, is holding the line for now, or so he says:

Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) said Tuesday he is “disappointed” with President Trump’s decision to fire FBI Directory James Comey, arguing such a move reinforces his calls for a special congressional panel to investigate Russia’s interference in the 2016 presidential election.

“While the President has the legal authority to remove the Director of the FBI, I am disappointed in the President’s decision to remove James Comey from office,” McCain said in a statement.