This list is incomplete. I happen to know about $1.5 trillion in misconduct that the Senate approved just last week.
That is a lot of dicks out of a lot of pants.
Paid for by the taxpayer
Talk about adding insult to injury
Hard to imagine any business that could afford to pay for its employees, literal fuck ups, like that.
Fox News: Is that all? We paid out more than that last week.
When will the list of sexy perps in the House & Senate be made transparent and very very public? It is not likely to have been sealed with the JFK Assassination Files.
Yes 600k in settlements over 20 years is bad but it’s less compared to the private sector.
Fox and it’s hosts paid out a total of $90 million.
I know of a woman who worked for a hedge fund who was harassed and ended up with a $500k settlement and a separation agreement.
The victims have been settling too cheap.
$600,000 over 20 years.
So, an average of $30,000 per year. And this number represents all members of Congress and all their staff?
Any misconduct is bad, but honestly, that doesn’t seem like a very big number to me.
So to me, the question this raises is - is there a lot less misconduct going on than I would have thought, or is it just that the mechanism for reporting and adjudication of these claims is way too onerous, and/or the damage to the careers of those reporting such misconduct is just too severe?
I think I’d be more interested how much 100 randomly selected used car dealerships paid to settle receptionists’ claims against the ass grabbing parts manager.
Senators are perhaps in a better position to settle matters privately, and to foresee the upside of doing so.
I bet this is the tip of the iceberg . I’m betting plenty of incidents have not been reported because people feared for their jobs and careers. So, did perpetrators lose their jobs or were they penalized? And why was taxpayer money used for the settlements? I really hope some heads roll with this one.
Why is there a fund to handle workplace misconduct? Because misconduct is expected from Senators? How can it be kept secret? This is not related to National Security. Does the Office of Compliance pay for trips to the Madam? Ala Vitter? Did the Senators have to pay tax on the money that kept them out of jail or off the front page for “misconduct”? How F’d up is this? A slush fund for whoring around. Does the Office of Compliance offer Viagra and hair color too? Jesus Christ. If the Republicans want to shrink the Government, getting rid of this Office is a great place to start!
No that is just the Senate. House was much higher.