How’s that whole governing thing going so far, Republicans? Will you cave to the tea party? Will you cave to the moron at the helm? So much caving to do…
Of Course. Idiots.
So there’s going to be a Rumble on the Hill? Who should I cheer, the Sharks or the Jets?
Let’s hear it for Republican unity, everyone!
We won’t need those pesky tariffs against China the Republicans are participating in their own infrastructure project-digging a hole to China.
The foxes are guarding the hen house, so none of this matters.
Fuck what the Senate GOPers think!, if that is at all possible.
No budget.
Let the country default and see how the thugs deal with the chaos they have saught for so long.
Either a Progressive budget for 18 months with any and all progressive wishes or default.
Don’t let the horror show sneak up and be normalized until it is too late ( think frogs in a slowing heating pot of water) bring down all at once.
Only comprimise is the mass resignation of any and all thugs plus guilty pleas for treason.
Nothing else.
" We don’t want to punt …
We only do that when the White House is… you know… not white ! " –
Ah, governing! It’s harder than it looks, especially when you’ve been out of practice for eight years.
Got the sense that they’ve already caved to this reality- - the military was never crushed down and it certainly doesn’t need, eed to be rebuilt. It is the strongest fighting force that has ever existed m world history.
Donald seems to know it too. Notice how quickly it fell off of his priorities list once he got elected. The whole thing was just red meat for the many morons who voted for him, nothing more. Some advisors must have told him, correctly it seems too, is that it was irresistible bait for morons.
CRs are a lazy way to govern, and you have been pushing them for five years. Then this nonsense strategy you have been pushing gives us trump. And you expect different?
Take all the time he wants, imo. By all means, waffle, procrastinate.
Clinton was not black (to my knowledge) and they shut down the Government. It became Clinton’s finest hour, because the sleazy Newt Gingrich offered him an out if he would abdicate part of his power to the GOP extortionists in congress, and ultimately was the beginning of Newt Gingrich’s undoing. But they shut the Government down before Obama. It backfired so I am always curious why they think it is still a good idea. To impress their base I guess, show everyone how macho they are.
“The Boss” is about to get an idea of what it means to govern. He can’t punish them all like he did to Christie.
McCain "theTumorInMyNeckHasMoreBrainsThanIDo’ says people pushing for the CR were “idiots.” So does that mean he will vote FOR it? These stories are so confusing!!
Yea … but I was pointing toward the short-term fund punt —
Ms suggestion to GOP vermin is this … clip on ties. When your plans become common knowledge there will be bus loads of senior and near-senior citizens headed to DC to grab you by the ties, douse you with rubbing alcohol and go full bar-b-cue. They are slow but tenacious … like Day of the Triffids but at a somewhat faster speed.
I remember Newt’s government shut down well and it back fired on him.
Off topic: Trump just tweeted that he saved the Ford auto plant in Louisville, KY when, in fact, there never was a plan to move it to Mexico or anywhere else according to Ford. Just more of Trump’s lies.