The entire thing with Rosenstein is baffling to me. My best guess is that he has not recused himself out of “necessity”; i.e. that Trump attempted to involve him in the cover-up, but he fully documented his interactions at the time, and then got clearance from the ethics staff at DOJ. One does not have to recuse if one must continue to oversea something (here the KKK-elf is out, and there was no one else confirmed at the time) in the public interest.
To give an example, if Trump called up Mueller and offered him $1,000,000 and his daughter if he would drop the probe, that would not conflict Mueller out, provided he appropriately documented it as “evidence.”
But it is clear to me that Rosenstein has gotten clearance from multiple ethics people to continue to oversea the investigation.
P.s. the provision in question is this:
D(3). The employee may disqualify himself or he may be authorized in writing to participate in the matter if the interest of the Department outweighs the appearance of a conflict. The determination should be based on: a) the nature of the relationship; b) the effect of the resolution of the matter on the financial interest; c) the nature and importance of the employee’s role; d) the sensitivity of the matter; and e) the difficulty of reassigning it.
I think a good argument can be made that Rosensein, provided he fully documented Trump’s approach/interactions with him at the time, can continue under this provision.
As a potential witness and maybe even a potential TARGET of Mueller’s investigation (as well as being able to derail said investigation using the powers of the Presidency), maybe Trump should recuse himself from being President while associates and members of his family are under investigation? If not, why not?
The United States of America versus the Republican Party, that’s the only way out of this mess and it’s going to take 20 years to get there.
“Graham reiterated his belief the Mueller should do his investigaton without interference.”
As he himself abuses his power to interfere. It’s like telling someone you believe in their autonomy while raping them.
“Do you consider yourself a potential witness in the Mueller investigation regarding the firing of Director Comey by President Trump?” Graham’s letter asks Rosenstein. “If not, why not?
“If so, should you recuse yourself from further interactions with and oversight of the Mueller investigation?”
“Graham reiterated his belief the Mueller should do his investigaton without interference.”
but anyhow
Keep it up Willy Wanker.
Nothing you can do can stop Trump’s downfall now.
No tap-dancing. No frilly dresses. Nothing.
No one is a bigger Trump lackey than Miss Lindsey. No one. The media need to stop confusing his blathering for his actions, which are 100% pro-Trump.
How long it was between the last Gracchi brother and the end of the Republic?
60 years,give or take, IIRC…
We appear to be right on schedule…
Dated April 13,2018: But CNN has now learned that Rosenstein has consulted with the ethics adviser over the course of the investigation on whether he needs to recuse himself, and he has followed that individual’s advice – a fact which has not been previously reported and offers a more fulsome explanation for how he has continued to oversee Mueller’s work. The source did not specify the number of conversations, timing, or the details of the advice.
“I’ve talked with Director Mueller about this,” Rosenstein told the Associated Press. “He’s going to make the appropriate decisions, and if anything that I did winds up being relevant to his investigation then, as Director Mueller and I discussed, if there’s a need from me to recuse, I will.”
This is why TPM’s “[whatever fuckhead traitor] Congressional GOPer breaks with The Moron about Mueller’s investigation” blah blah headlines are products of laziness. Look many pieces of ass-covering crap Graham said and compare them with what he actually has done (or has not done). There is no “break with” whatsoever there. None.
Graham’s hypocrisy is stunning, but completely expected. The entire GOP is covering up for Trump’s malfeasance, abuse of power and obstruction of justice.
I actually think that LL carefully calibrates his comments to (a) not go two far for his state, and draw a primary opponent, and (b) not look like the total sell out he actually is.
This said, I wonder what his game is here? He is smart enough to understand the recusal provision I cited above, and were I him I would NOT want to highlight that Rosenstein likely has an ethics waiver under the “necessity” provision, that just highlights the obstruction issue in a bad way.
Why so scared, Lindsey Dahlin’? Didja see the writing on the wall - you know, in Crayon?
Rosenstein is not flying solo.
“Sen. Graham, do you consider yourself a shameless, second-rate, partisan hack who’s utterly devoid of moral compass, human decency, or self-respect, and driven by traitorous ambition and ruthless Machiavellian greed to lie without blinking, in exchange for a few, fleeting crumbs of illusory power and Republican gain while civilization crumbles and the world burns? If not, why not?”
N that’s the thing: whether Graham intentionally meant to, “45” is going to ignore that Rosenstein has prepared for this problem and just state that according to Senator Graham, the whole investigation is “poisoned”.
Take it away, Susan.
4h4 hours ago
The only really relevant information here with whether Rosenstein sought and accepted the advice of career ethics counsel. He did and they said no recusal. I agree there are some puzzles from the outside, but the individuals with complete information are not concerned.
But, but Graham is a SERIOUS Republican.
Lindsay’s back. lol
trumps super spy
be careful linny, 1 wrong small step and trump will tweet you to doom. lol