Discussion: Senate GOP To Begin Working On Draft O'Care Repeal Language Over Recess

Allow me to interpret the second paragraph for everybody: this is going nowhere, we’re not going to do anything, this is how we’re going to let it die a quiet death.


I hope you are correct.


“We’ve had some very fulsome discussions, very genuine input, and that input is now going to be collated by committee staff and leadership staff and they will produce a product — we’ll have a draft bill — that we can have further input on.”

“Hey, it’s all ball bearings these days. Now you prepare that Fetzer valve with some 3-in-1 oil and some gauze pads.”


“A number of individuals are putting various ideas to paper,” Sen Ted Cruz (R-TX) said.

Starting from scratch yet again because what is there is unacceptable. This should go well.


What we have been advised is that at some stage of the game, you’ve got to have people start to begin the boiler plate that makes up a bill

I don’t take much comfort in the knowledge that the party that controls the entire Legislative Branch had to be advised about the process to create a bill.


My guess is that they’ll come up with something that will pass muster in the Senate so they can then kick it back to the House.

This will become a game of hot potato; it’s the bill that no one wants to touch.

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Remember how little the head of the Executive Branch knows about how anything in our government works. The bar is really low these days.


I wonder if this bunch ever intends to hold public hearings. I am not so sure they believe in representative government, except as it applies to representing their paymasters in Wichita. Las Vegas, and Wall Street.


How do they say this stuff with straight faces. I mean, I’ve had discussions but can’t remember ever having a ‘fulsome’ discussion. Well maybe at one time I was full of fulsomeness but can’t remember.

But yes, we’ve all had ‘very genuine input’ but can’t help thinking it was probably alcohol related and most likely something stupid.

And who the fuck says ‘collated’ unless it’s your boss asking for a favor. JC, what’s next, ‘reach out’?

Well, Art is Art, isn’t it? Still, on the other hand, water is water. And east is east and west is west and if you take cranberries and stew them like applesauce they taste much more like prunes than rhubarb does. Now you tell me what you know.

Groucho Marx


Busy little goblin-imps.

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Alternatively, it could mean that they aren’t really gonna talk about anything and intend to essentially ram the house bill through as is. I would not put it past them one bit.

They’ve wanted to spike this bill only since it before it was enacted and only now, seven years later, they’re working on how to do it? I want a refund of their salaries for the last seven years.

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Moderate. Republicans. Always. Cave.

I would love to be wrong, but I’m not betting on it.

It’s truly worthy of Sir Humphrey Appleby: “…at the appropriate juncture, in due course, in the fullness of time.”

I wish some reporter would ask the right question: “Senator, your party has been talking about repealing and replacing the ACA since 2010. That’s more than seven years. Why do you not already have a fully fleshed-out proposal ready to go? Why was this excellent plan not enacted on the first day of this Congress?”