Discussion: Senate GOP Leaders May Not Have A Health Care Bill By SCOTUS Ruling

Discussion for article #233918

It is very simple. Turn the financing of all health care to the federal government. Do away with the insurance companies. That would save the country mucho money, enough to rebuild our roads and bridges.


How about giving up insurance coverage for Congress? You know the coverage funded by the same people Congress is trying to strip them of health care.


Why wait until the SCOTUS rules. One would imagine that they should have something ready to roll for the worst/best case (your view) either way. If the Court is less likely to throw it out without a replacement than having a replacement should be ready to go.

It will not happen, but it is one of those things. The GOP only has half baked bullet points. No real system to speak of, the real shame is how low this has all stooped. Acting as if this was sprung on anybody and to be read as a bait and switch…that apparently was hidden from everyone until a year or so ago. Seems like an awfully important thing to hide if it iwas an enforcement mechanism. Remember the mandate…that was an enforcement mechanism and remember the uproar?


“MAY not”? They’re still talking about what a good idea it would be to have an alternative- five+ years after the ACA was passed.

Their best solution was the private alternative proposed by the Heritage Foundation in response to the to single-payer initiative Hillary Clinton worked on when she was First Lady.

You know, Obamacare.




Why should they? It’s not like the people who voted the Republicans into the majorities they have will change their minds. Millions of red state poor will lose their affordable health care and will still vote GOP anyway. They pay no price at all at the polls.


Obama didn’t act “illegally”, you nitwit, even if the Court rules for the plaintiffs. They just. cannot. help. themselves. from equating Obama with real criminals. Bastards.


I’m SHOCKED by this! (not)


…as if the GOTP EVER had a plan…

except to take ObamaCare

Tweak, Twerk, put their brand on it and say

Look What WE did!!!

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Did nothing for five years. No reason to expect anything different. They have no plan.


Exactly, if they truly cared about us having affordable, quality insurance, the Courts ruling is meaningless. What was their excuse for the last 100 years or so?
They could just improve on Obamacare or get it over with and move towards universal, government provided healthcare that is the best plan and everyone knows it.


COBRA, that’s their idea. Another patch plan that they didn’t even invent. The Republicans are slackers, from the shallow end of the gene pool and as has been proven, they are too dense to realize that they are too dense.

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To be fair, they did do it first, with their proposals in the 90’s, and then in MA with Romneybot 2000. I think mostly they are pissed off that Obama flipped them the bird and owned the name Obamacare, which they thought would end up being a dirty word.


The GOP will have a plan. It’s been leaked; I can present it now if you’ll all keep it on the QT:

Pay cash.


Of course not, they don’t want people to have health care.


Oh Republicans (*AKA: The real Death Panel) have a “public option” ready and waiting.

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Hillary did not support a single payer system. Unfortunately.

So what’s the hurry, already? It’s not even close to the eleventh hour.


Hey idiots! What happened to “Repeal & Replace”?

You’ve only been promising the people that for damn near 6 years and haven’t done squat to prepare for a possible ruling in your favor!

Maybe, just maybe, the GoPers already know they’re are going to lose this battle just like they fought and lost to funding DHS via a clean bill and none of those dumb amendments…is that the real game plan here folks?