“I don’t think a sustainable proposition is to repeal a tax on the wealthy and pass a burden onto the poor…” Corker said.
Isn’t this the whole point of the GOP?
The headline had me at:
“Senate GOP Blows…”
At what point do we start to demand that they sit down with Democrats?
I wish we had gone ahead and gotten a product agreed to
How can I continue to be amazed at their callousness. I know it. I’ve known it for a long time. Still surprised.
You can’t polish a turd, but they will try just the same…
Been saying this for a while but it has been so long since the GOP was in power that they have forgotten how to govern. All they know is obstruct, obstruct, obstruct but that does not get them anywhere now that they control everything. Self-inflicted wounds.
Who knew health care could be so complicated?
Too bad, Turtle. Oh well, just put the turd back in the icebox, and bring it out again after the recess.
Why is it that the majority GOP Congress voted to repeal the ACA numerous times when Obama was president, and, now that they own Congress and the presidency, they’re having such a hard time? Yes, a rhetorical question.
Because you cannot believe how nakedly calculating and cruel they can be. It astonishing actually. How cut-off they are from any regard for thier constitutes, heck, for human beings. It is chilling and grotesque. It is beyond me how people are not up in arms about their ruthlessness. And they get away with it. Stunning.
Republicans: A+ for obstruction, F for governance.
“Senate Republicans wrapped up their work week in Washington Thursday . . .”
Why do they work part time and get gold plated health insurance and benefits?
They can’t anymore. They can’t. They have so throughly and completely demonized the Democrats and everything they stand for, to sit with them and attempt to compromise would kill them with their voters.
They stand for nothing except for standing against everything.
Just like a kid claiming the goldfish ate their homework
their Hail Mary pass to break the impasse
Don’t expect divine intercession when your goal is to strip health insurance from tens of millions of people.
Better headline;
No kidding! That’s what they live and die for. And haven’t they noticed what it’s done to Kansas? Though I guess it doesn’t matter because Brownback got re-elected in 2014 and is(?) getting a cushy new job in the Trump (mis-)Administration, presumably when his second term is up in 2018.