As of now, even though the White House counsel documents alone will reportedly take at least until October to be released, Republicans are planning to force the confirmation hearing in September.
Republicans are shameless.
What is the over/under on how many Dems fold and vote for Kavanaugh?
So if I were going to play hardball later on, and had the votes, I would impeach Kavanaugh for being a party to the subversion of the senate’s duty to advise and consent.
This, and other dreams.
Dear Dems:
Decent Americans
To restate the obvious, this would be a lifetime appointment for the 53 year-old Kavanaugh. Every effort needs to be taken to learn and make public significant examples of his work record and work product to ensure that he is competent, capable, and will bring honor to the court, and that he is not just another conservative shill like Thomas, Gorsuch and Alito.
Senate Dems need to do everything they can to 1) insure Brett Kavanaugh is thoroughly vetted – “extreme vetting” to parrot Trump, and; 2) Do everything possible to delay his confirmation until after the November elections.
And Dems appear weak. They give up the boycott for what exactly? The hope that they get the documents? And the Repubs give Dems the middle finger and say they will force a vote in September without documents. Is this what they mean by negotiations?
Dems should wrap all the issues together and keep pounding the drum: separating families, Helsinki/Putin’s puppet, election conspiracy, and no SC vote until after the midterms. Why is this so hard?
I think the overall strategy is to delay the vote by any means necessary until after the election. The real question is, how many Republican Senators are going to help the Democrats delay this vote? My guess is that several Republican Senators are sticking their thumbs in McConnell’s eye behind the scenes by not giving him an answer either way on whether they’ll support Kavanaugh.
McConnell won’t risk bringing it to a vote unless he knows he’ll get a confirmation because the last thing he would want would be to have several Republicans humiliate him by voting “no” or simply skipping out right before the election. McConnell is still probably feeling the burn he got from when his Obamacare “repeal” failed on national TV.
If even a few Republicans are hinting that they might not be on board, McConnell would probably be too scared to risk being humiliated again. If that’s the case, then the Dems just need to make sure they can run out the clock. If the vote doesn’t happen before November, it won’t happen at all.
Not to mention, um, the “president” under THREE investigations (Russia, emoluments, and Stormy et al). I’m sure if it was a Democrat, this would hardly be mentioned. As it is, it’s hardly being mentioned.
Republicans are planning to force the confirmation hearing in September.
Republicans appear to see that their time in control is coming to an end. They’re determined to do as much damage to the country as possible while they still can. They’re getting nervous that if they don’t force their pet issues now, they’ll lose their chance forever. Hold on, Dems. Make 'em sweat.
Change is coming (fingers crossed)
Sue the archives for the documents while talking to him. I’ll add, if I were a Senator I would start the interview by saying, the first question you don’t answer or disassemble on means the end of this interview and my not voting for you. Then start by asking him about the 14th amendment.
Figures the Oval Trailer would jump all over this…
Democratic motto: When the Enemy won’t do what you want, surrender.
What fatuous twaddle.
Democrats are pretty much powerless to stop a confirmation of Kavanaugh. Anyone thinking that enough Republicans will join the Democrats in stopping the confirmation is dreaming. Better to let it happen and save their powder for a fight they can win, or at least draw some blood. We don’t want to be like those ancient Chinese warriors who would rush at the enemy and then cut their own heads off to intimidate their enemies.
I would say the opposite. Obstruct, fillibuster, sit in, anything to delay it past the election.
The Dems have no balls or spine. Good ole Schumer will let this crap happen. We need Democrats that can fight dirty just like the repubs. It’s the only way to respond to the asshole repubs.
becoming what we oppose is the worst possible choice.