A good start, Sir! But just a start
Keep putting McConnell’s fat on the fire!
Turtles are supposed to have very good hearing(s).
Not Yertle…
CHORTLE! Maybe Schumer is finally beginning to understand the power of ridicule.
Please, please let everyone in the health care industry testify as to what they really think about Ted Cruz’s heartless, moronic amendment.
I saw another Senator making that statement this morning on Morning Joe. I think it’s a great line and the Dems need to be out there pushing it everywhere. Well, since you’ve delayed the vote for McCain, why not take the extra time to hold hearings? What are you hiding Senator Turtle? Don’t the American People deserve the right to know what’s in this bill?
etc, etc, etc
McConnell’s response: …crickets…
Heh. That’s a reasonable direction to take this. Now watch McConnell find a bunch of other stuff all of a sudden that seems more important to bring up on the floor, like naming a post office or something.
That lack of public hearings for legislation of this magnitude should be a repeated theme by Dems. They hold public hearings for hundreds of bills that are miniscule by comparison. Pelosi, Schumer all of them should be on the talk shows hammering home this point. That and the general secrecy with which the GOP operates.
So much could be made of this.
He’ll change his mind about delaying the recess and let everyone go home.
B-I-N-G-O. Why stay in DC debating 1/6th the US economy if you can’t reorganize the entire healthcare system overnight in one fell swoop? Might as well be on the beach somewhere drinking Mai Tais.
Class dismissed.
Something like:
Number of Benghazi Hearings? 3,247,169.
Number of hearings on the Conservative Abominably Craven Act (CACA)? None, nada, zippo, zero…
Anything to avoid hearings!!
So true…
The republicans have no shame, so this won’t have any direct effect. But when/if democrats return to power, it will be a good rejoinder to the immediate bouts of pearl-clutching about how legislation is being rammed down people’s throats (ahem) or the norms of the senate are being ignored.
So I guess Mitch is going to give his members their August recess a month early. Hit them hard! Chide them for not doing their jobs!
“You’ve got time now, Mitch, let the committees hold simultaneous hearings!”
The pressure could build day by day.
Of course, as soon as a couple more R’s bail on it, he won’t need McCain anyway, so he might shelve the BCRA and move on to tax cuts. He’s only got so much time to do a budget and will need a CR to avoid a shutdown, right?