Discussion: Senate Dems Urge Boehner To Shut Down Benghazi Panel After McCarthy's Remarks

The Hungrians do make great sammiches.

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Which is the same thing done to Bill Clinton ā€“ ā€œWhite Waterā€ turned into Monica Lewnisky. theyā€™re going to keep it open until they find something that sticks, even if it only sticks to their constituency.


I just watched it. OMG. McCarthy is unbelievably stupid. Dim bulb? His lights arenā€™t even on! I share her great concern that he could become president if, and thankfully thatā€™s a big if, anything should happen to Obama and Biden.

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After Benghazi, Ambassador Stevensā€™s father begged Congress not to turn his sonā€™s death into a political football. This is all you need to know about the level of disrespect and cynicism within the GOP.

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Eric Boehlert at ā€œMedia Mattersā€ put this in a broader and somewhat troubling perspective:


As Media Matters can attest, virtually none of the often-hysterical allegations attached to those distractions were ever proven to be true. Instead, the pursuits imploded under their own weight. Yet too often, these supposed scandals broke out of the Fox News bubble and became mainstream ā€œnews.ā€

So whenā€™s the press going to get the message and stop enabling these charades?

What struck me is that he was reading from prepared remarks and still couldnā€™t make sense.


I know. I kept wondering if someone really wrote that or he just mangled it.

Good grief. Heā€™s going to be the Rodney Dangerfield of House Speakers (and we thought Boehner was bad).

How embarrassing for this country.

I canā€™t believe Iā€™m defending McCarthy, but assuming that heā€™s dim or stupid is kinda facile and may be unfair. Based on my experience with some relatives, I suggested in another thread that he has a reading disability like dyslexia, and was rebuked by another commenter for making the suggestion. Iā€™m just saying that itā€™s a possibility.

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But Hungria? Really?

I know. Iā€™m just a little sensitive. Both my brother-in-law and my oldest daughter have dyslexia and have both been very successful in their careers in spite of it.

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I keep seeing emails unrelated to ā€œBenghaziā€ and from the other non-story of the email server, leaked to the press.
Oppo research is going through every one of her personal emails. They are desperate for a Whitewater II. Why canā€™t Dems fight this nonsense? This is not a fishing expedition, this is bottom trawling. They donā€™t even have to find a thing! The NY Times runs a story practically EVERY DAY about the email server tho i think at this point three different judges have said what she did was legal. Just ā€œcatapult the propagandaā€ every daily news cycle for the next 18 months. Dems keep whining ā€œbut itā€™s not trueā€- THEY DON"T CARE if itā€™s true or not! Thatā€™s the game they are playing.


Dems have not caught on to this propaganda ground-game yet it seems. This is not happenstance. It is all orchestrated.
And no, no one will ever call them out in any meaningful way, so letā€™s stop dreaming.

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Iā€™ve not yet made any aspersions on his intelligence, so I get where youā€™re coming from.

If someone has a learning (or other type of) disability and strives hard to achieve success, then god bless.

But there are a lot of indications that this guy got lucky (won the lottery to start a deli), once elected schmoozed his way to being ā€˜indispensibleā€™ to certain members, has accomplished nothing legislatively, and has failed right up to the top. There is no sign of hard work or striving in this dude.


The reason Democrats have to do this is that if they donā€™t this real scandal will get zero press attention, leaving the HUGE Email ā€œscandalā€ alone on the front page for months to come. We need to shift the story line over to the admitted crime of spending tax money for Republican political ads, which is all that the committee is doing.

Yes, Iā€™ll grant you that.

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Why not both?

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Whether or not he has dyslexia is beside the point. Heā€™s a lousy human being.

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Because it is the primarily the responsibility of her campaign. And frankly to my eye, and jaundiced it may be, her Campaign is running about as well as it did last time.

SCREW THE ;URGEā€™ , DEMAND they close it down NOW. If thereā€™s anyone that should apologize itā€™s the Republicans, for politicizing their tragedy. The victims families deserve better than the Republicans using their deceased as a steeping stone for political gain.SHAME ON JOHN. John said heā€™d leave a clean docket. As reported this hearing has gone on longer than the Kennedy assassination, Watergate, 0/1 hearingsā€¦