Discussion: Senate Dems Urge Boehner To Shut Down Benghazi Panel After McCarthy's Remarks

My question: Are any laws broken? Admitted political committee financed by all of our tax dollars, liberal, conservative, independent. Yet no money for education, infrastructure, housing, hunger, etc.

Number two: can this be used to prevent him from getting the speakership?

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Boehner ought to do just to give one final finger to House teahadist.

Umm Democrats or the the Hillary Campaign?

Representative Elijah Cummings, the ranking Democrat on the Benghazi farce committee, has been saying it all along. But your point is well taken as other Democrats have done little or nothing to push back on this obvious politically-motivated scam committee.


I would like to see Rep. Elijah Cummings and the other Democrats on this committee just drop out and refuse to participate in what has now been confirmed as a political witch hunt. There is no need for Democrats to participate and waste time and taxpayer money on this republican charade.


Thanks for the MoJo link. This particular Select Committee has been ā€œinvestigatingā€ longer than the attack on Pearl Harbor or JFKā€™s assassination were investigated. Donā€™t how the Rs are going to justify its existence, but how do Democrats force them to shut it down.

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I donā€™t even understand your question. They are Republicans. Why should they have to justify anything they do to anyone?


In Dim Bulbā€™s recorded and scripted remarks I think I like this the best.

ā€œI have visited Poland, Hungria, Estonia,ā€ he said, and also ā€œvisited in our, uh, the allies in the Arab Gulf.ā€

There was a lot of debate among the Democrats who were selected for the committee in 2014 as to whether they should show up or not and then dignify this farce, but they decided they might provide a check on the Rā€™s dastardly intentions with their presence. They have to rethink thatā€¦

Hey, what do the Republicans care? Itā€™s not as if they had to fork over the millions of $$$ for this witch hunt.

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Guys, you do not ASK. You DEMAND.

Boycotting a committee has never, and will never work to prevent abuse by the other side. If you donā€™t show up they will say and do anything that strikes their fancy without ever being challenged. Being in the minority sucks but we have to look down the road and around the corner before we go off half cocked. A boycott would be a disaster for the Democrates.

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I donā€™t want the committee disbanded before Hillary Clinton has the chance to address the panel later this month. I predict her appearance before Gowdyā€™s star chamber will be a pivotal event in Clintonā€™s presidential campaign.

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Hungria ā€¦ he thought he was back in his deli.


Any Democrat on this bullshit committee must spend all of his/her time pounding on this and eviscerating and embarrassing the GOP for even existing. Turn lemons into lemonade and drown the motherfuckers in it.


Rachel had a great riff on his speakmanship ā€¦ I posted it in another thread but here it is too. The whole thing is good but first five minutes are priceless.

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This is why I watch her (but Iā€™m not happy with the new chyron. I canā€™t listen and read at the same time.)

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And they are using the subpoena power of Congress (with the implicit threat of criminal sanction for non-compliance) to carry it out.

This is abuse of power pure and simple. Like getting the IRS to investigate political enemies.

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Completely agree!

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I still hate that Ben Ghazi guy. Heā€™s pretty clearly a terrorist born in Kenya as Obamaā€™s long lost twin.

Oh, and

"It is unconscionable that the US House of Representatives is continuing to use millions of dollars in taxpayer funds for political purposes,

Heh. Just wait 'til you see the bill for the next GOP shutdown. Weā€™re talking billions, Harry. Billions.

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