They’ll increase premiums dramatically, rename it Trumpcare and their base will rejoice.
The chairman of the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee, Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-TN), warned last week it could take years before a full repeal and replace plan is implemented.
Which is funny as heck, because neither the president-elect nor his campaign manager said anything like that on the campaign trail.
And Republicans aren’t eager to talk about the specifics of how they actually plan to overhaul a health care law and not leave millions in the lurch.
Now they do have proposed replacement plans, should they actually be that stupid and kill the ACA. The problem is that each plan negatively affects their base (namely the elderly) and that’s obviously a problem.
Being thoughtful about the poor and the sick is good. In fact, it’s the essence of the Christian values that form the foundation of America’s majority religion.
Politically, it sounds like Democrats are worried they can’t give away my taxes to people who don’t contribute to the economy of this country. In that context, conservatives don’t care about leaving a million freeloaders in the lurch.
Understand, my characterization isn’t mine. It’s how Republicans interpret such statements, and frankly they have a point.
There are people close to me who depend on the ACA. For a time, I did too. It was well-run and a godsend. The point we should be making is that without the ACA or something like it, American businesses will be straining to handle the rapidly spiraling expense of a for-profit medical system that’s given a blank check to ramp up costs.
Those of us who’ve dealt with major medical expense can testify directly to the unbelievable cost of services we had no idea were being applied to our accounts and for how much. Now, Republicans want to sit idly by and let those costs be applied to the care of the poor and the sick with nobody’s knowledge or control? With just a bill being sent to… who?
You and I. That’s who. That’s their plan. That’s the news.
I would hold the snark. Even though they got most of the votes, they lost, and I would not put money on them winning this battle either. The first thing a general, NFL coach, or a political leader has to do after an unanticipated drubbing is figure out what it happened, and then figure out how to fix it. Sounding the usual klaxons has not worked for a while, so there is no reason for it to work now.
I would grab the popcorn too, but the ending of this movie has some dire consequences
The modern day GOP shouldn’t want this battle.
Why not? This NYTimes story is emblematic of how Democrats just do not care enough to show up anymore. The apathy of the people who stand to lose most from the results of this month’s election is both jaw dropping and depressing if you care about things like Medicare. I thought AARP would be screaming by now, but its website pledges it will work with the new administration, instead of drawing lines in the sand. Its not a lost cause yet, but I see no one capable of leading a charge against the demise of Medicare. I hope I am wrong.
I’m more worried about Medicare.
Many on Obamacare failed to vote, so my sympathy is limited. Many on Obamacare, in Kentucky, the manure state, voted for their new GOP governor who vowed to end Obamacare.
At a certain point, it’s hard to overlook gross stupidity. Why should I care about fools who fail to care for themselves?
I read somewhere (it’s too early to think) that one of the Repubs suggested an automatic repeal in January with a trigger date that is 2-3 years out. This way they can claim they a victory while just kicking the can down the line trying to come up with an effective replacement.
I imagine that’s their smartest move, and if they set the trigger date for 3 years it gives them something to campaign on for 2018
The false assumption is that Trump’s voters will care if a campaign promise is broken.
They are too much in a rage to notice anything. Since the Trump mob, excluding the sociopaths of the 1%, never believed in anything but naked hate…
Forget the fools.
always be careful what you wish for…
the gods can curse you by granting your wish…
No way Republicans will repeal the ACA. Also Donald Trump will never win.
This is not a difficult task for them. They will pass a bill entitled “The National Health Care Program to Save the Health Care Industry by Repealing Obamacare”. The bill will advise that healthcare is not an individual right but the obligation of faith based initiatives and charity organizations and that hard working taxpayers should not support all the freeloaders in the country. You know …the old “bootstraps” stuff.
The “cable news hand puppets” will trumpet hourly that Trump and the R’s have fulfilled a campaign promise and convene their vaunted panels to proclaim it’s all good. Then on to more consequential subjects like when are they going to lock the Clintons up for their …what … uh …“crimes”.
I think it would be a safe bet that the suffering lower income folks will see after the destruction of their health care security will be blamed on Obama. After all it was “Obamacare”.
The ACA was a Republican idea to begin with–Romneycare.
That’s the thing. There’s a definite leadership famine in the Democratic party right now.
so chuckies party has a plan…do nothing and watch the repugnicons squirm…lol…did theses people not understand WHO/and why was voting for trump?
do these people not understand that the media/talk radio will sell ANYTHING the republicans do…as what was PROMISED to the rubes?
you think chuckies party will stand in the way of a 5 trillion dollar tax cut for their owners?
you think chuckies party will fight the trillion dollar give a way to their owners?
maybe you need a refresher course …i suggest…youtube videos of George Carlin…to start…
I read that too. The insurance companies won’t buy that. If they see a repeal date, without a clue of what a new plan would look like, they would simply choose to end their participation in the marketplace soon as they can.
Yes, gloating about this after having your clock cleaned in the election is bad optics. I would expect nothing less from someone like McCaskel, who helped the DNC/HRC dismiss single payer so they could deligitemize Bernie in the primary. When you allow someone like Trump to outflank you on the left with a populist message, gloating about it will not endear you to the people who are/will be suffering with insane premiums or lost coverage. The GOP ad against Claire writes itself on this. But if there is one thing we learned in this election, it is that the Dem party has a pretty piss poor understanding of the American electorate.
Back in the day we sent a troll packing with that information when he realized we weren’t fools.