So we really have to guess at their answer?
Well, you can guess, but Vegas ain’t taking any bets on:
"This request is outside of the purview of Congress and we decline to produce even a single piece of paper.
Fuck off.
The time is well past due for the Democrats in Congress, and especially in the House, to start flexing some muscle by going to the courts and demanding that the Constitution and the Law be followed.
"P.S. Executive Privilege.
Eat a dick,
You may have missed it, but there are a couple cases winding their way through now, at the Appeals Court level.
Reads like Dowd was a little discombobulated…
Sentence that begins with “If on the other hand…there’s information…that implicates the president, then we’ve got a national security issue…”
To me, reading this, it’s as if Dowd already knows that Trump is implicated and is worried about evidence coming forth.
Total descent into corruption at DOJ. We might as well be dealing with the “Secret Police.”
Yeah he was toe dancing through his wording there and it made me think the same thing.
Uhm, uh, maybe, I-I-I I’m glad to uhm, uh, gotten your uh, opinion.
I-I-I thought you needed…well the country needed maybe, I don’t know… a head’s up?
Question is what does the judge do about it?
It’s Sullivan, doesn’t seem like the guy that’s going to take it lying down. He was the one asking Flynn why he wasn’t charged with treason, after all…
Of course, we’re almost into uncharted territory now, like with everything else.
How do you enforce legal orders on the Executive Branch when you gave them all the guns and law enforcement capabilities…
“LtGen”… Seriously, WTF? Army Officer, so it’s LTG.
Fucking idiots. (Yes, I take small details seriously, as it’s an indicator of broader things, I find)