Discussion: Senate Confirms Pompeo As Trump's Second Secretary Of State

Oh now I see why Donald picked him



Oh, woe is weā€¦

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After six, Donnie gets a set of steak knives and a bottle of ketchup.


But no actual steak, just a hamburger.

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The problem, as I see it, with respect to every one of these GOP+PseudoDem approved cabinet nominees, is that Trump and his Senate enablers are setting the appointee and the nation up for failure. The accumulated evidence so far corroborates this. Zinke, Pruitt, Shulkin, Mulvaney, Mnuchin, Carson, etc. and now Pompeo. This job is way above his level of competence. This will all end in tears and blood.

ETA, I forgot to add Tillerson to my list of Trump dignity wraith failures. And sadly, we, the citizens, are the failees. So now itā€™s time to take the ethnographic approach and document the paths to failure that their behavior has determined for them.


And billions of dollars in additional arms sales worldwideā€¦


I also read it as ā€œpompousā€

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When do we get the third?

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I have a bad feeling about this. This canā€™t end well. Bolton and now Pompeo?..yikes. We are fucked.

This is ridiculous. We have absolutely no standards anymore for who is qualified for a job. We have seen the damage that people can do when they have no idea how government works, what diplomacy IS and what the ā€˜jobā€™ calls for. When you couple that with a sociopath for a President itā€™s a recipe for disaster.


Who said itā€¦I canā€™t remember, but I thought someone specific came up with ā€œETTDā€ and I think itā€™s true. Everything Trump Touches Diesā€¦but the problem is that, as POTUS, he is touching our country!!!
Soā€¦do the math on that one!!! :anguished: :grimacing: :sob: :scream:

Honestly, I donā€™t think it matters all that much who is SoS after Tillerson. Trump so thorougly destroyed any SoSā€™s credibility (as well as anyone else attempting to conduct diplomacy at any level for our nation), that no country will take them seriously anyway.

That being said, yeah, Pompeo is a horrible pickā€¦but he was a horrible pick for CIA also. And since he got confirmed for that, I had little doubt he would get confirmed again.


Agreed DaveyJones! itā€™s funny, thoā€¦I find myself saying that a lot when I read your posts! :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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A New York federal judge says she is appointing Barbara Jones, a former Manhattan federal judge, to help determine what materials seized in raids on the home and office of President Donald Trumpā€™s private attorney are protected by attorney-client privilege.

The good news, sheā€™s a Clinton appointee. The bad news, she started working at Bracewell, Giulianiā€™s old firm, soon after he left. Of course, this doesnā€™t mean that thereā€™s any positive feelings toward Rudy here. But itā€™s amazing how all these retired federal lawyer types end up in just a few New York and Washington DC law firms.

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Oooooā€¦the suspense of this rubber stamp process was killing meā€¦with all due respect to the bullshit histrionics by Paul, and Manchin and the other tools in the Senate,you are letting us down by allowing the continued destruction of the State department.

Yes Pompeo is a terrible pick. What concerns me is that he has yet to be wraithed by Trump and in theory could come out this with some kind of political capital. I of course want him to be destroyed by this career move, but heā€™s a lot more political than his predecessor.

Meanwhile TPM wonā€™t even publish all of their names.
The five ā€œyesā€ votes came from Heidi Heitkamp of North Dakota, Joe Donnelly of Indiana, Joe Manchin III of West Virginia, Bill Nelson of Florida and Claire McCaskill of Missouri.
Not that hard to find. Maybe it is because my fave Claire is there.

Add to that the TPM article of course reports this in the context that the unidentified Dems are up for re-election in red districts. The honest argument that he is a danger to the US and the world, connecting that to Trumpā€™s campaign lies that he would disentangle us from stupid wars in the ME, writes itself. And most of these Demreps also voted for the recent banking deregulation bill, something apparently essential to their rural red state voters. Give me a fucking break. Wonder how many of these same reps will ā€œreluctantlyā€ cheerlead a war with Iran or deeper engagement within Syria. The same Syria where we have American troops battling against Russian mercenaries, barely reported in our press. The argument has become: gotta keep doing the wrong thing so we can keep getting re-elected to keep doing the wrong thing.