Discussion for article #231224
Yeah, because nobody politicized Ebola this year, right Joe Fucking Manchin?
Sycophantic prick.
“The nomination stalled early in 2014 as numerous Democrats were spooked by opposition from the NRA, which objected to his past comments that gun violence was a public health issue, and his support for gun control measures like universal background checks and a prohibition on assault weapons.”
Oh my God, a public health care professional who is interested in …public health.
He must be stopped before he stops the killing!!!
“I don’t believe it’s appropriate for America’s number one doctor to participate in political activism,” Manchin said. “After meeting with Dr. Murthy, I don’t question his medical qualifications; I just question whether the public will believe that he can separate his political beliefs from his public health views.”
I don’t believe Manchin can separate his political beliefs from the needs of the US and it’s people. Who the hell does he think he is other than a lying POL.
The NRA opposed the appointment precisely because they deeply fear the truth that will come from gun violence statistics. They have done a good job so far of preventing doctors from even asking if people have guns at home during medical history reviews. They have sent their minions in congress to defund any agency that wanted to collect information. In short, the truth will be bad for NRA’s business.
if Dr Manchin considers anything to prevent bleeding to death in an ER from a GSW to be political activism, he is looking for a really, really big gift from the NRA Santa this year.
Born in England and raised in the Florida
Shouldn’t that be “Born in the England and raised in the Florida”?
Which is strange considering his support of the Manchin-Toomey Btill that would have expanded background checks on gun purchases.
Maybe he’s trying to get back in the NRA’s good graces.
The GOP is terrified of facts! Information is liberally-biased!
I would personally like to thank Senator Cruz from the Republican Party for doing his best to ensure this fine nominee brought forward by President Obama got a fair hearing and a speedy vote on his confirmation. Without Senator Cruz’s committment to a fair and open political process that allows Senators to vote on the issue, and not empty procedural manouvers, we might not have the fine Surgeon General exemplified by Dr. Murthy.
Oh, and fuck the NRA!
I believe the three words that best describe my thoughts on Dr. Murthy’s confirmation are: SUCK IT NRA!!
Just what I was about to write. He needs to atone forever for his one episode of gun sanity and human decency.
I wonder what deal was struck for this nomination to go through. Maybe it was payback for the Dems helping to pass the budget this week
NRA involved in Surgeon General picks and big banks involved in the passing of our nation’s budget. Yes, there is a pattern and yes again, it sucks.
Good News!
Thanks, outgoing Senators, Blue Dawgs though you might be!
The NRA should get used to the idea that medical folks who have to deal with the results of shootings would rather not have so damn many opportunities. The docs also get cranky about having to fix up patients who were run into by yet another drunk driver.
Congratulations, Dr. Murthi!
“Democrats were spooked by opposition from the NRA, which objected to his past comments that gun violence was a public health issue, and his support for gun control measures like universal background checks and a prohibition on assault weapons.”
Yes, these are terrible positions for a physician to take.
Have we really become this insane? I guess so.
I am delighted.
Yes, we have as pathetically sad and ridiculous it is