Buckle your seatbelts. Any chance of meaningful change from Trumpism is rapidly dying.
Perfectly qualified … for a Trump nominee.
Damn, it’s gonna take a long time to recover from the all the federal judicial appointments.
Fucking. JOKE.
I can only hope the paradoxical effect they’re setting up really does happen to the GOP. For every in-road on the Constitution they pave in hopes of it securing themselves permanent power and dominance over the country’s gov’t and culture, demographic shifts will eventually see those roads being used against them in the future by everyone who wants them destroyed permanently. I hope that every single fear they suffer in their white panic is visited upon them tenfold.
And yes, the ABA is a fucking kkklownshow. This kind of appointment does untold damage to the credibility of the courts and judicial system. The woman is a clueless political hack. This is the kind of shit that makes being a lawyer feel hollow and meaningless.
This woman will be a nightmare on the court. She is totally unqualified. G-d help us.
The Republicans would confirm Hitler himself if he declared himself a conservative.
Impeachment isn’t worth it. Too divisive and partisan.
Nothing anybody can do. Just let Trump keep appointing judges.
Not in my lifetime. You kids are going to have to mount the barricades…
No. he is a far leftest. It says so in the party name.
My suggestion for dealing with Trump’s judges should a Democrat win the White House and majority in the senate in 2020 is to reduce the deficit and as a budget matter so it cannot be filibustered, reduce the number of judges at all levels, trial, appeals and supreme, by 2/9th using federal guidelines for a reduction in force thereby laying off the most recently appointed judges. Under those rules, people subject to a reduction in force have up to two years to get their job back. If they do not, they have to apply like everyone else.
That is the number of judges including at the Supreme Court in the federal system is determined by laws passed by congress. Furthermore, after two years the congress could pass another law opening back up those judgeships and the president could appoint whomever. Of course this is all dependent on the Dems winning the next election.
It would also be a great way of saying F U Mitch McConnell.
On a purely visceral level, George, I would be ecstatic if Trump were to be impeached and removed from office. But, at least in Iowa, Democrats are not giving Democratic members of Congress much incentive.
You’d have to reason that starting impeachment proceedings would create enthusiasm among rank and file Democrats such that impeachment would rise to the forefront. But that’s a benefit/risk analysis wherein, thus far, Pelosi et al., have determined that the ratio is less than one.
Would it be too much to ask that federal judges be required to have tried at least maybe like three cases outside of a high school mock court? Could we get that legislation passed, or would the GOP object?
So once again Trump has appointed and the Senate has approved a judge who has no federal of state trial experience whatsoever. What a country?
If we can keep it.
When I think about our Court system and just how many demonic entities the GOP have planted, dead-set on perverting our way of life to become Dominionistic (yeah, I made it up), I get sick to the stomach. It will take us two or three generations to clean up this damn mess.
I sure hope you fuckers who just couldn’t bring yourselves to vote for Hillary Clinton–who, btw, was/is vastly overqualified for the Presidency by the nth degree compared to what we’ve got now–have either learned your lessons and swear on your genitals to never be so fucking reckless with other people’s lives again, and do everything in your power to keep out the Trumps of this world … or go jump off the Brooklyn Bridge. Thank you for your attention to this matter.
Yeah, even putting her lunacy aside, she’s completely unqualified. She’s not even qualified to serve as an administrative hearing officer in traffic court, yet the GOP just put her on the most important federal appeals court? I would laugh if it weren’t so horrifying for the country’s future.
Agreed – and this is why I have said, still say, and will continue to say that any and all of the Bernie Bros Dead-enders and third-party voters can all go fuck themselves sky high now and forever.
Republicans were uncomfortable with her past writings, yet they still gave her a lifetime appointment.
I appreciate your point here, but is it really surprising that Iowa voters (home of Senators Ernst and Grassley) don’t want Presidential candidates to talk about impeachment? (This is a good list of priorities, by the way.)
Real leaders lead the crowd and build support for their policies. They don’t follow the crowd from behind.
Unfortunately, Pelosi is doing exactly what the Republicans want her to do (and what I expected her to do).
They clearly didn’t ask the right questions. No question on Ag subsidies or Ethanol mandates?