Discussion: Senate Confirms Former Oil, Gas Lobbyist David Bernhardt To Lead Interior

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Welcome to the Kakistocracy.


All I can say is that while I understand Murcowski’s vote (and that of a few other swing folks) I hope that they are just saving their powder to take out Steven Moore’s appointment to the FED, which is really bad as well.

Truth is that Bernhardt is right up the Republican Party ally, his corruption is their corruption. No way he was not going to get confirmed.

This gddamn cartoon will never get old, long after the scmbags have left DC.


Long live the Kakistocracy!

No surprise here, the rape of the US by corporations requires people like this in place…they will do as much damage as they can before 2021 because they don’t know if the gravy train will continue to run after that.


Murkowski? I think we know what her motivation is.


A good sign of where we’re at as a country is how cynically honest and open Rubio and Scott were able to be with their votes. They ensured that the nominee wouldn’t endorse polluting the waters near their state, and then voted in his favor knowing full well he’d endorse polluting waters everywhere else.


“The Senate on Thursday confirmed acting Interior Secretary David Bernhardt…”

I’m already looking forward to his replacement.


Another day … and the swamp gets deeper, and thicker, and more difficult from which to extricate the country and ourselves.


“It is hard to imagine someone whose background is so at odds with the department’s mission as Mr. Bernhardt,” Schumer said.

The sole criterion by which the GOP evaluates the qualifications of a candidate to run a government regulatory agency.

No offense to the Floridians on TPM, but I hope the promise Rubio and Scott got in exchange for their votes falls into the same category as the assurances Collins got from McConnell in exchange for her tax cut vote.


I guess they are stupid enough to think an oil leak in SC or Georgia would stay in that state and not hit Flordia


“Florida Republican Sens. Marco Rubio and Rick Scott voted in favor of Bernhardt after receiving assurances from him and other administration officials that Florida would be excluded from drilling proposals.”

How does this square with the Equal Protection Clause in the Constitution?


How dumb are they?

They are so dumb that they do not realize air and water mingle across the planet!


Drill, baby, drill

Florida coastline in 2107 after a projected 5 meter sea level rise. Goodbye Miami.

Edited to add larger version that makes “Goodbye Mar a Lago” more evident.


and you know what, the Trumpinistas DON’T CARE because they know they will all be dead by then.

As long as they get to “own the libs” and have the President of the United States confirm their racism, bigotry, and misogyny and tell them that their ignorance is smart, and their poverty is wealth, and that they are “just better” than any Black or Latino, they will eat it up and continue to vote for him and any who support him (like Rubio and Scott.)

Republican Mantra: “Willful Ignorance is Bliss.”


i hope on her next hunting adventure, she gets gored by an elk

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When one compares the death toll of the Bush and Trump presidencies, even though Bush got a head start with a war based on a lie, it seems likely that Trump’s administration will cause more fatalities in the long run.

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“He is from the West, he has great familiarity with the issues that will come before him and he has proven that he can ably lead the department,” she said.

He is from the West, his name is David Bernhardt. His name invokes scents of mesquite burning in the campfire. Of Marlboro Men with square jaws and crinkles around their eyes, riding on horseback and shooting varmints on those public lands which should be free grazing land for klepto ranchers who do not believe in the Government of the United States and call themselves Sovereign Citizens. He is from the West. He clearly is qualified to oversee the give away of our public lands.


Putin has a nice PetroState all lined up and has promised Chump he won’t kill him or his kids…if he delivers the U.S. into his hands.