Discussion: Senate Committee Poised For Vote On Bill To Protect Mueller

It’ll pass the committee, McConnell will promise wink wink that there will be a vote, and a credulous Maine senator will confirm away.


Another brick falls from the wall protecting tRump.

Now they worry about passing things that won’t be enacted. I bet there’s no roll call of the full senate.

" some may be at risk of angering Trump and some of his supporters they represent. "

Senators, everything angers them, so just do the right thing and let justice proceed. You’ll never make that constituent base happy until you strangle a female baby of a lesbian couple live on-air with the entrails of a puppy.


Drip, drip, drip…

Trump’s legislative director, Marc Short, said in a broadcast interview Sunday that “as far as I know, the president has no intention of firing” either Mueller or Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, who oversees Mueller’s investigation. Short said he couldn’t rule it out in the long term, though, because it’s not known “how far off this investigation is going to veer.”

I would imagine veering off into the realm of truth is pretty scary, considering your boss has issues with the truth. But one word of caution…Nixon did not make it past the firing of Cox. Granted this is not the same caliber of GOP that existed back then, but I don’t think you should try and test uncharted waters.

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