Wow. If the Senator is going to take on Betsey’s swamp, she’s going to need a Superfund authorization. I’ll bet the banks are all hoping that Senator Warren will have less time to spend turning over rocks in their organizations. I hope she’s got time for both.
Unrelenting pressure on every farcical GOP appointee. Let’s get things going…
Wonder if Betsy’s got any Trump U faculty on her team–yet.
Good news! DeVos is evil. Follow the money on this one.
I have several DeVos Watches for you to choose from…
Go Liz - I like it. I didn’t know you had that oversight but I’m so fucking glad to hear that you do.
“And when we don’t, everybody’s going to see that, too.”
There may be safer ways than clicking on a whistleblower form.
Maybe Jared could set up another back channel with the Russians?
Nevertheless, she persisted.
Go Liz!
Although I’m sad (SAD!) at the low energy oversight monicker. What about…
DeVos Whip-It
Heavens to Betsy: Come in, Betsy
…Ok, those are all pretty lame.
As the head of the fraud section in the Obama administration, Weissmann’s specialties have included overseeing investigations into corporate wrongdoing and foreign corruption – including probes into Volkswagen AG over diesel-cheating, global banks over market manipulation and Brazil’s state-owned oil company Petrobras over corrupt payments. He also started a pilot program that offered companies incentives to self-report possible violations of the Foreign Corrupt Practices Act, which prohibits bribing foreign officials.
Follow the money!
OT: Not at all related to the topic, but damn is it powerful.
Can you get me a Trump University diploma?
I’d go without wiping before using that stuff.
Ad features Robert "Rich Dad Poor Dad Kiyosaki, who bragged all over the place that Trump was his friend, and yes, wait for it, Mystery Target Rudy! And Suze Orman!
Suspicious that with all the certificates they gave out nobody is offering one. Probably authentication problems. PSA does that kind of authentication, so maybe they’re sold elsewhere.
Thank you for the link. Wow doesn’t cover it. That was flat-out inspiring.
She’s the original! (And you beat me to it!)
No es lo que parece.
A cheeky idea: Mexican businessman rolls out ‘Trump’ toilet paper
It’s actually an anti-Trump ploy.