Discussion: Sen. Warren Blasts GOP Leverage Scheme On Social Security

Discussion for article #231724

Great that she’s out in front on this.
And she is correct: this is part of a pattern for the GOP: create a crisis so that your proposal seems the only viable solution.
Just like with Medicare: the Medicare Part D program and the Medicare Advantage privatization – both Republican-led proposals – are major drains on the Medicare program.
In contrast, the ACA has actually extended the life of Medicare, something the Republicans refuse to acknowledge.


Unfortunately and just in case anyone asks (which they won’t), today’s terrorism in France gifts old media with another perfect excuse to ignore Senator Warren…


How is that Congress has passed a law that does not need to be signed by the President?

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Hopefully she will keep up the battle long enough to get the attention of the lazy “both parties are to blame” media.


Agreed with you completely on that. The people who need this message brought home to them with a vengence are the ones who just voted these Repub sh*theads into office 3 months ago! Unfortunately, I don’t have much hope that they’ll get it. I think that Sniffit put it best last night. He was on the money as to the mindset of those who just voted in favor of their own doom.


Finally. A Democrat who actually understands messaging. Can we just clone her? Because, unfortunately, we can’t count on most of her colleagues saying a thing.


This is what happens when malignorant politicians are elected by more malignorant voters…

an intended consequence .


Coming up…further cuts to food stamps. Clearly, the GOP longs for the days of the alms house.

Surely John Boehner realizes that Dickens’ “beadle” was named Mr. Bumble. Trouble is, this is no bumble.
This is an action with malice aforethought.

If you want to know what someone’s priorities are, see where they spend their time. In the case of the GOP, day one, take power and push to pass the XL Pipeline AND attack Social Security benefits.

This is just the start of at least two more years of this and lord help us if they manage to get control of everything. We’ll be looking like Kansas and Wisconsin sooner than we thought.


And watch how fast the MSM ignores her…blink…oops…you missed it…

I mean, come on…they’ve got the French newspaper attack with which to keep everyone distracted. They’re not going to talk about the GOP/Teatrolls manufacturing a SS crisis in an effort to get their way on destroying the societal safety net…not when they can report on what color Nikes the terrorists were wearing.


Elizabeth Warren 2016. It’s time for a woman in the White House.


Why is she the only one. Every Democrat should be talking about nothing else. Except the President, of course, who should take a short break to express sympathy for the terror victims in Paris. Then talk about nothing else.

Social Security is an entitlement. Anyone who says they can’t afford the entitlement should damn well rethink their priorities until they find a way. Maybe sacrifice a couple feet off the stern of their sailboat or something.


The reason Warren is on top of this is because she KNOWS fiscal matters while Teabaggers just PRETEND to know them.


And Climate Change coming down on us like a hammer on a nail head. Time to wake up folks

As Ron White opined. ‘You can’t fix stupid’

But TeaPub politicians wouldn’t fix it even if they could…

It would destroy their voting base.

To be fair, the GOPers/Teatrolls in Congress know “fiscal matters” quite well, which is why they knew they could make this rule change, what effect it would have and were astute enough to recognize that the MSM wouldn’t report on it and that nobody would hear about it, let alone understand it. Sure, their base and most of the Dem base and independents will all be fooled and confused, but never ever ever give the GOP/Teatrolls in Congress credit for not knowing what they’re doing. They know, and it’s all deliberate, which makes it all the more despicable.


Then, they report back to their base that they eliminated “waste and fraud” from the system. Their constituents are so stupid that they lap it up without question. This will only prove that the GOP leadership is actually “working.” Then, when their own benefits are reduced, they somehow blame it on the Dems.

The Dem base gets demoralized and just stays home from voting because they don’t trust the Dem leadership can do anything for them. Of course, that doesn’t stop them from complaining about their plight. The vicious morons win and we lose. The cycle gets worse and devolves faster.

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Only about 30% of eligible voters voted and the Retardicans captured about 55% of that vote. Americans are lazy and are going to lose their voice. Time to wake up.


And I agree.

But what exactly is it going to take to wake people up? For the life of me, I just don’t know what that could be. I mean, during the midterms, the GOP was pretty upfront as to what their agenda would be. Aside from some misdirection, you could smell it a mile away.

How bad do things need to implode before people not on this blog reject the GOP??


Not a law, a budgeting rule. The House is where all spending legislation originates, and they can set the guidelines, lord help us. Enough pushback might just cause them to undo it, but that will take unified Dem hollering, their own affected constituents screaming, and the media doing actual reporting. Lord help us.

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