We really are “through the looking glass here, people.” It’s OK to tamper in other countries’ elections because “we all do it”?? Methinks Senator Paul does not deserve to hold office, but that’s in common with his comrade McConnell. Thanks, Kentucky.
Should his treason trial be scheduled before or after Trump’s?
Then you should fucking be in jail, too, you Libertarian asshole…
Seriously, WTF, Kentucky? Paul and McConnell?
Comrade Paul speaks truth to power.
My mother taught me that just because all the other kids are doing it doesn’t make it right…
Just because Trump and Putin are morally equivalent doesn’t mean the US and Russia are.
If he really wants to live the true libertarian lifestyle, why doesn’t he move to Somalia and give it a try.
Putin holds compromising material on Rand Paul, obtained in the Russian intelligence hack of the Republican Party internal files. He (Paul) should now be considered a Russian asset, and all of his public statements be regarded as colored by foreign influence.
So Rand Paul is toeing the party line as well?
He seems to elide over the difference between spying and interference.
Interesting theory. On the other hand, he’s a libertarian, which means that his mind is capable of rationalizing any inane thing regardless of actual facts. I think that’s the Occam’s razor explanation.
Sounds like Rand has been taking tea with Greenwald. Go figure.
First unwritten rule of politics - never criticize your benefactors.
What could Mueller have on Paul? What does Putin have on Paul?
So if you’re a jerk, you deserve whatever you get, is that how it is, Rand? Then what’s your objection to having your ass kicked by your neighbor?
What a jerk his neighbor was. I hate people that start a job and don’t finish it.
He added that the U.S. needs to step up protections of the election process, and blamed both Hillary Clinton and former President Barack Obama for exacerbating tensions with Russia that led to the 2016 hack.
resumes humming this song
Well, you know, boys will be boys.
I’m guessing nobody has anything on Randy. Unfortunately, he’s just that freaking stupid.
Rubles for his campaign?