Discussion: Sen. Orrin Hatch's Office Reminds Google That He Isn't Dead

“The reports of my death are greatly somewhat exaggerated.”


Are we sure he’s not dead? His skin looks suspiciously smooth. I’ve seen this done to corpses in Six Feet Under. I’m not convinced. Some of those Body Worlds exhibits, like the one dunking a basketball, seem more … active.


When the following was reported, Orrin Hatch left the real world of the living:

During his nearly 41 years in office, Utah Sen. Orrin Hatch has seen
seven presidents in the White House. Donald Trump, he said Wednesday, is
“one of the best I’ve served under.”

“He’s not afraid to make decisions,” Hatch said during an interview
broadcast by MSNBC. “He’s not afraid to take on the big mouths around


“The rumors of my intelligence have been greatly exaggerated”.


Poke it with a stick?


I think he’s a hologram. There’s no reasonable reason for a long term senator to stand by idly while our democracy is under attack. A hologram would explain how he moves without a spine.

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Unlike Generalissimo Francisco Franco, Foreign Orrin is still not dead


Could’ve been referring to his soul, which has been dead for years.


On the one with video of Orin signing bills - the chyron on the TV says, “Dems Eye “Fresh Face” for 2020”

snort… :smile:

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Wait… In what aspect of his role does a senator sign bills? That didn’t look like a credit card receipt. Did I doze off during a key moment in school house rock?

Edit. Punctuation makes everything better


I don’t think Google is responsible for the “facts” that others produce. Its job is to find what others are saying. A U.S. Senator’s office should know the difference.

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Not sure the photos are convincing even if not doctored.

Sen. Orrin Hatch’s Office Reminds Google That He Isn’t Dead

OK, that’s one Republican senator heard from.

What about the others?

(With apologies to John McCain and his family.)


Beat me to it.

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Oh. Well then. Coulda fooled me.

I noticed that and wondered of not just the significance of 9/11 in relation to him but also about that year. Wonder how long it’s been that way?

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Yes he is…He’s an ex-parrot!

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I don’t know, in some of those photos, it looks like he’s pining for the bayous salt lakes (he’s so easy to confuse with Sessions).

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Oh you would make me go to wikipedia and look at the history wouldn’t you!

Revision as of 07:19, 22 July 2018 (edit) (undo)
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(Added when he actually died last September)