Discussion: Sen. McSally Says She Was Raped In Air Force By Superior Officer

That is awful. But you are a Senator now. Name the offender.


She’s also on the record saying she’d have voted to confirm Kavanaugh.


Was it at the Commander-in-Chief level recently?


This is now the second time she’s come forward about being sexually abused. Which only makes her fucking vote in favor of Kavanaugh all the more awful, though she was a candidate for the Senate at the time. I feel bad for her but I also feel bad for Blasey Ford, who still hasn’t returned to work, and all the other women that will be forever at the mercy of one of Kavanaugh’s majority opinions on the SCOTUS that will systematically find a way to take away women’s rights.


I corrected my post to indicate she was a candidate rather than a Senator when she said Kavanaugh would get her vote.


McSally and and Ernst can sit down 'cos they supported Kavanaugh. I say this as a female who has survived sexual assault. I am sick of these hypocrites.


Turns out that her like fellow Kavanaugh-voting former military woman Joni Ernst has been raped. I am going to use the standard of the Judges they have recently voted in, Kavanaugh standard: Senators McSally and Ernst have not been raped, it didn’t happen. Rao Standard: They might have been raped but they were looking for it .


Exactly-talking about their own experiences in order to attempt to lend credibility to their bullshit should be called out for exactly what it is, not validated as something earning them an extra-loud voice on the wrong side of a debate.


And yet she stayed in for 26 years.

This is a complicated woman. Becoming an Air Force fighter pilot is a huge deal regardless of gender, and as the first woman, I can’t imagine what she went through.


Complicated, yes, and her reflections are welcome.
But not so complicated with regard to what seems to be her most abiding quality, which is (like so many people in public life) ambition.


That is awful. But you are a Senator now. Name the offender.

She cannot name it because is most likely bullshit. Same with Ernst.


That’s just Presidential-style pussy grabbing.

Just sit back and enjoy it cupcake.


Well, sure. That was someone ELSE getting raped.

That’s how GOTPer brains work.


What’s really sad and pathetic is that both of them could have come forward to say they wouldn’t vote for Kavanaugh for all womankind and all rape victims, even if they didn’t want to disclose their own sexual assault during this period of great decision-making for the country. To advocate for protection against sexual assault shouldn’t have been that hard for either of them, even without their personal need for public disclosure. Now, they only look like callous hypocrites imo.


It’s a terrible thing that I wouldn’t wish on anyone but it doesn’t change the fact that she is a horrible person. When she was my “representative” she wouldn’t meet with anyone who wasn’t a big donor. She kept voting to kick my son off my insurance. She had no concept of democracy or representation.



“I moved on her, actually. You know, she was down on Palm Beach. I moved on her, and I failed. I’ll admit it. I did try and fuck her. She was married. And I moved on her very heavily. I moved on her like a bitch. But I couldn’t get there. And she was married. Then all of a sudden I see her, she’s now got the big phony tits and everything. She’s totally changed her look. I better use some Tic Tacs just in case I start kissing her. You know, I’m automatically attracted to beautiful — I just start kissing them. It’s like a magnet. Just kiss. I don’t even wait. And when you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab ’em by the pussy. You can do anything.”

The President of the United States of America


Now if only Donnie had been wearing a tan suit when he said it, we wouldn’t be in this mess.


This raping thing…is it some badge of honor these days? You trashed the woman at the Kavanaugh hearings but BY GOD AND BY TRUMP it happened to YOU and without a shred of evidence YOU should be believed…I myself take you at YOUR word, but then I do when others tell me their stories…what I want to know is why YOU and Joni are ‘somehow’ more believable???


Be interesting to see if the senators are informed by their experiences.

I would like to support McSally, but…

She repeatedly voted to repeal ACA, which provides physical and mental care to rape victims, in favor of the Repub Health Care version that would have thrown 20+M off health insurance. She “opposes abortions in nearly all cases” and voted for a 20-week abortion ban. She aligned herself with the Sexual Assaulter in Chief in the 2018 election. She voted for Kavanaugh, but also has voted for McConnell’s assembly line approval of anti-healthcare, anti-abortion district and circuit judges.

Hmm, what to do?