Discussion for article #241363
What do you suggest…we go to war?
It is because of you republican assholes who are always trying to degrade and denigrate PBO…YOU are the ones who weaken us as a Nation…It is your party who has divided our strength as a Nation…You have done NOTHING to help, but only do harm to this nation…The best strategy for Russia is not to go to war with 'em…
Well who would have guessed McCain thinks we should go kill more foreigners?
It’s Sunday and Cindy McCain doesn’t have to worry about where her elderly husband has wandered off to today.
To our “senior” senator…SHUT THE FUCK UP!
Man, I hope Arizonans wake up and kick your sorry ass to the curb in the next election. You are completely worthless to our state!! And, to our nation!
Sore loser!
Another message from John McCain, President in Exile:
We need to be much more aggressive toward everything and everyone. If it results in our having to put “boots on the ground” then that will be good, because then we will have proved that we are crazier than anyone else."
And hey, it’s just boots…it’s not like there are actual people in those boots…wait–you mean there are people who might get hurt? meh.
Putin is an asshole, and somehow, that’s Obama’s fault.
According to McCain, of we aren’t planning how to go to war with another country, we “don’t have a strategy.” He’s a one-trick pony.
Nor does she care, I would guess.
As the President said the other day ,“those who are sitting on the side harping about whats going on in Syria,what specifically is your plan ?”.
Thank you J-E-T-S,JETS,JETS,JETS .For giving us a break from this Sunday morning drivel.
“wandered” Bingo ! LOL!
…not all strategeries involve bombing , Senator mcPalin.
“Bomb, bomb, bomb…bomb, bomb Iran!” ~ Johnny Mac’s strategery…really…YOU’RE the guy with a plan?! WTF
Grumpy McWar can’t stand not sending kids to die somewhere!
Of course that’s what he wants.
LOL. That made me laugh.
I didn;t know you were a car buff. LOL
In a word, yes. With Russia, with Syria, with the rebels and with Iran.
And even worse, that IS his strategy. Its not to achieve some strategic goal…he thinks going to war IS the goal. If Taper had asked him “Senator, what should be our strategic goal in that region?” his answer would have been along the lines of “Well, we have to fight Assad. And we have to fight the islamic extremists. And we have to fight Russia and let them know its our area, not theirs”.