Discussion for article #230033
HAHA. LOng TWO YEars FOr LIBtards. LOOks LIKE RepubLICans HAve A buLLET prOOF majorITY to REPeal NOBamacare Over and OVer and Over And Over times 42. FinaLLY goinG to be ABLE to worK our WILL on the American PEOPLE wHO waNT chaNGE!!1!!!1!1!!!one!1!1!!!
So we let them try to destroy the country through inaction but now we’re not going to stop them from destroying the country through action.
These people are Democrats?
pLUS inFiniTY, aNd bEYOnD!!!11!1!1!!OEN!!1!!11!1!ELEVEN!1!!
Hey Manchinian Candidate!
If the Foo shits…you have to wear it.
Sounds like McConnell’s people are making office visits, laden with gifts, a bit early this year…
Why are they trying to make it seem as if all the inaction and congressional gridlock of the past few years has been because of Democrats? With friends like these…
This is why “blue dogs” were always a problem, they have no loyalty. These are DINO’s and Manchin has been peddling bull***t for years. His and Toomey’s gun background check compromise was one of the greatest jokes in recent political history. Manchin looks out for Manchin and McCaskill does the same.
The best money can buy. They’ll be the first to go along with Turtle’s plans to approve the Keystone pipeline and destroy the EPA.
We’ve been putting policy before politics,but the GOP hasn’t. This is what absolutely frustrates me as a Democrat. Neither one of those 2 were calling out the GOP for their bullshit. Claire McCaskill is pretty lucky to be up for re-election in a POTUS election year.
no one should be the least bit surprised that this loud and proud blue dog democrat will do any/everything to fuck any democratic policy that might be in the least bit progressive. recall how quick he was to step up to the microphone to defend the coal industry following the toxic sludge that destroyed the drinking water of a good portion of west virginia. manchin has had a hardon for epa for years, so look to him for support to undermine it at every opportunity.
mccaskill is just as calculating.
Phuck Manchin!
He’s nothing but a puppet, whose string’s are pulled by Big Coal! You know, the people that want you to breathe their dirty, polluted air and drink their polluted water!
If it was up to low-life’s like Manchin and his Republican string- pullers, they’d ban waste- water treatment plant’s overnight!
Manchin’s dilemma: he is the sole remaining Democrat from a State that has gone whole hog Republican. Is he man enough to resign or will he do the politically expedient thing and change his party? Probably neither…but will vote with the Republicans.
Board a train. Any train. If it’s going the wrong way, who cares? (sarcasm)
Bullsh*t, Senator. What you will “get done” is what the obstructionist GOP wants to get done. What a tool.
His next re-election campaign will be in a midterm too.
When he runs for reelection next time, he’ll be pretty shocked to discover how liberal he really is.
Joe won’t be happy till West Virginia’s mountaintops are flattened down to sea level.
Why doesn’t Manchin pull a Shelby and switch parties, just to get it over with. With friends like this…
Wow! just Wow! These two spineless fucking cowards, Manchin and McCaskill are blaming their own party for what the republican party was guilty of doing.