Discussion for article #232641
Well, testing SOME waters … community shower rooms … Turkish baths.
The clown bus is filling up. Strength through Strength? Too funny. Why not just call it Bomb, bomb, bomb Iran?
Can’t…type…laughing…too…hard. Man, they are gonna need another clown car. The first one is now full.
The waters are like this Miz Lindsay:
President of what?
“Strength Through Strength” is not very catchy. It’s kinda dumb actually. He is off to a bad start, and its all down hill from here.
Graham -Cracker
The lastest floater in the GOTeaPotty.
Are these the thumbs that $ister$arah was referring in her TMBS speech?
If I hear another Republican invoke Ronald Reagan’s name again I’m going to puke. Talking about re writing history. He sold weapons to our enemies behind congresses back!!! He’s not a hero.
Not that there is anything wrong with that…