Discussion: Sen. Lindsey Graham 'Testing The Waters' For Running For President

Discussion for article #232641

Well, testing SOME waters … community shower rooms … Turkish baths.

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The clown bus is filling up. Strength through Strength? Too funny. Why not just call it Bomb, bomb, bomb Iran?

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Can’t…type…laughing…too…hard. Man, they are gonna need another clown car. The first one is now full.

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The waters are like this Miz Lindsay:

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President of what?

“Strength Through Strength” is not very catchy. It’s kinda dumb actually. He is off to a bad start, and its all down hill from here.

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Graham -Cracker

The lastest floater in the GOTeaPotty.

Are these the thumbs that $ister$arah was referring in her TMBS speech?

If I hear another Republican invoke Ronald Reagan’s name again I’m going to puke. Talking about re writing history. He sold weapons to our enemies behind congresses back!!! He’s not a hero.

Not that there is anything wrong with that…