Discussion for article #234072
That’s really not that positive he apparently thinks it is…
He is just confirming his “cluelessness.”
I guess Grindr isn’t technically email.
Zero to homophobia in three posts.
Even when he was on active duty as JAG officer he never sent a e-mail? What kind of a attorney and Senator is he?
I’m sure this is why his world view point hasn’t changed since the 1900s.
“I don’t email,” Graham said on NBC’s “Meet the Press.” “You can have every email I’ve ever sent. I’ve never sent one.”
Ah do declare; whyah would anyone want to send a little old e-mail when we have that mahvelous little old telegraph that wonderful Mr. Morse invented?
It’s really kind of amazing in a non-Amish 59-year-old.
Is he admitting technology has left him behind?
Holy crap. Really? WHO cares if she just called it an attack. What is with the insane insistence on the word terrorist. What if she called it horrific attack? What if she kept it professional? What if it had been an attack by drug lords…would that have made it okay?
“Sen. Lindsey Graham Has Never Sent An Email”
So, what’s he HIDING?
Do his carrier pigeons come under the jurisdiction of FOIA?
The FAA, I would think. Either that or the Migratory Bird Treaty Act of 1918.
Lindsey Graham Has Never Sent an Email
So he’s a virgin in more ways than one.
If this is true then Miss Lindsey is unfit to lead or really even serve in Congress. How can he be trusted to decide issues like net neutrality or really anything to do with modern technology when he hasn’t even sent an email?
Favorite bumper sticker:
The darling Mr. Lindsey is the latest in a long history of GOP technoderpitude:
Did he use the B word again ?
Guess that’s why I never heard back from those emails that I sent him regarding his outdated attitude.
Pretty much, the non-reply was also the confirmation.
Guess its back to the faxer in order to berate Lyndsey’s neanderthalism.