Discussion: Sen. Lamar Alexander's High-Flying Plan


Lamar Alexander, still a pompous asshole.


It takes a true misanthrope to want to rule over people. Hardly surprising he fits the mold.


Who says Republicans can’t occasionally have a good idea…

Even a blind squirrel finds a nut every now and then…


Per Roll Call, the possibility has been a thorn in the senator’s side for years, leading to an impassioned speech in 2014. “Stop and think about what we hear in airport lobbies — babbling about last night’s love life, next week’s schedule, arguments with spouses — and then imagine hearing the same thing while you’re trapped in 17-inch-wide seats thousands of feet above the ground,” he said then.

Admittedly I don’t fly much but I’ve never experienced this.

Sen Alexander sure is a magnet for unpleasant experiences. I wonder why? :eyes:


“I would suggest that any senator who opposes banning cell phone conversations on flights be sentenced to sit next to a loud businessman talking to his girlfriend on a six-hour flight between New York and California,” Alexander reportedly said Thursday.

Lamar’s red-state, Fox-viewing, rural constituents fly between New York and California all the time!

Truly, a man in touch with the pulse of the common folk of Tennessee.


I’ve never flown in an aircraft that had a lawn.


If we are going to talk about banning people babbling nonsensically about useless subjects, would you please sponsor legislation to restrict FoxNews from always being shown on TV screens in airports, hotel and hospital lobbies, bars, restaurants, etc., Mr. Alexander?
And I am sorry to hear that your delicate fee-fees are upset by people being able to talk freely in a so-called free society about whatever the fuck they want, whether you deem it important or not. I mean, Mr. Alexander, have you ever listened to a fucking speech by that jagoff you support in the White House?


I moved to Tennessee in 1981, and Lamar Alexander was already an asshole when I got here.
He is consistent, I will give him that.


I’m with him on this. It’s bad enough when you get stuck near idiots who have no idea that the world is not hanging on their conversation. Worse when you could have twice as many stupid conversations. Besides, its been proven that people talk louder into phones–they don’t call them yell-phones for nothing.


“…and what’s the deal with that airplane food? Amirite, people?”

Funny thing, but my nerves are frayed when I listen to Lamar Alexander even when he isn’t talking on a cell phone on an airplane.

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He should have proposed butt fucking mules from tree stumps be banned in TN, more pertinent to his constituency.

Good to see Senator Alexander’s laser-like focus on the real problems facing this country.


Should we flood his office with earphones/earbuds?


I can think of other annoying things that can happen on an airplane, in case Lamar wants to enlarge his agenda.

When Jessica Leeds was a traveling paper saleswoman in the late 1970s and early 1980s, she told herself that sexual harassment was just a fact of life.

But an encounter she says she had with Donald Trump on a New York-bound airplane more than 30 years ago was different. As she initially recounted to the New York Times in a story published Wednesday, she says Trump groped and kissed her as the two sat next to each other in first class.

“Whether it was 15 minutes or not, it seemed like forever,” she said.

The encounter had begun as a “cordial” conversation over an in-flight dinner. Leeds said she had been escorted by a flight attendant from coach to first class, where she found herself seated next to Trump.

“They served a dinner. After the dinner was cleared he began encroaching on my side of the seat,” Leeds told NPR’s Audie Cornish. “Mr. Trump started coming over to me and groping me and trying to embrace me. And then his hands started going up my skirt.”

Leeds said she eventually stood up and walked back to her initial seat in coach, where she remained for the rest of the flight.

“It really rattled me,” she said, to the point where after the flight landed, she remained in her seat until everyone else had exited the airplane, so that she wouldn’t have to confront Trump a second time.



I have a smidge of agreement on this.

Back in the day of “seatback” pay phones, where the charge was a couple dollars a minute, I was seated next to a young woman on a packed flight, who spent the entire 2+ hour flight on the phone, trying to negotiate getting back with her ex-boyfriend by repeatedly offering to sleep with any of his friends or other similar favors…

Fortunately, the flight attendants kept me plied with free drinks…


To be fair, I do too. I hate flying, so I take the Acella when I visit family down in places south of Boston. I always make a bee line for the “quiet car” because nothing grates on my nerves like some twit who immediately gets on the phone at the start of a 6+ hour train ride and starts talking overly loud to let everyone know how important and successful a business person he is or the girl who can’t stop with mindless fluff like “omg, how crazy is my love life!!! I can’t decide between them!!!” to let the train car know she’s supposedly a hotty and in high demand. They invariably hang up after a little while AND INSTANTLY MAKE ANOTHER PHONE CALL TO HAVE THE SAME EXACT CONVERSATION AGAIN WITH A DIFFERENT PERSON. Anyway, as much as I get where this guy is coming from, there’s just shit you have to put up with in a free society. It’s why god invented headphones, edibles and the Grateful Dead.

And don’t get me started on peoples’ screaming babies…


I’m sure no one wants to listen to you belabor threadbare Republican talking points on the plane either, Lamar. Try putting a Trump size turd in each ear. You will enjoy silence like you have never experienced before.

Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-TN), a public servant devoted to safeguarding the union, is finally making progress on blocking a ghastly prospect from ever becoming part of American life: phone calls on commercial flights.

Lovely bit o’ snark that. TY