Discussion: Sen. Jeff Sessions Endorses Donald Trump

Discussion for article #246601

I’m getting curious about something: It’s one thing for The Party not to be able to shut down a populist. But if it can’t even punish a defector to the populist’s camp, is it still a party at all?

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Stumpy the Dwarf endorses Stumpy Fingers as his last hope for a nomination to his rightful place on the Supreme Court…

Good point. Sessions is one of the dumbest (and shortest) Republicans around yet his fellow GOP Senators will give him a pass on any punishment. See, IOKIYAR is alive and active even for elected official too dumb to tie their own shoelaces. Yes, it’s an amazing thing he’s too stupid to comprehend. His support for Trump is leveraged on the odds he’ll win while his fellow Pubbies, much wiser, have already done all but hold a news conference saying that Hillary will clean his clock if he’s the GOP nominee. Hence, the Senate flips over to the Democrats, Sessions loses all committee posts and maybe even loses his seat the next time to a more radical Tea Party type.

But of course he’s too dumb to…well, you know.

Oh, that’s why Trump wouldn’t condemn the KKK. He didn’t want to lose Sessions ’ endorsement.


I’m trying to think of an analogy. Something akin to rats leaving a drowning ship, which will be appropriate come November. But right now they’re trying to jump to the biggest prick, which sounds like gay porn.


Sessions is just a smaller and shorter copy of Trump!
" Senator Howard Metzenbaum of Ohio, called Sessions a man of ''marginal qualifications who lacks judicial temperament. … A nominee who is hostile, hostile to civil rights organisations and their causes."


Yeah. At least we dodged a bullet when the Senate rejected him for the federal court.


Bigots of a feather flock together.

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I think that actually should be Stumpy and Drumpfy - “Drumpf” being the spelling of The Donald’s surname when his paternal grandfather emigrated to America from Germany. He is Donald J. Drumpf who calls himself Trump.

I would want him to at least restore the “f”, so that he call his next book ‘Triumpf of the Will’.

To me it’s perfect that Trumpf’s first US Senate endorsement be Beauregard Sessions, given Trumpf’s dad being KKK, Trumpf himself being so popular with David Duke and other white supremacists, and Trumpf being about as mobbed-up as you’d guess for a real estate developer in the NYC and Atlantic City areas catering to ‘discretionary entertainment markets’. The Trumpf University thing is just extra sprinkles on top of the already existing mess: bigot, white nationalism, jingoist, misogynist, con man, serial liar, bully, narcissist, fraudulent, mobbed-up - touching ALL the basse.

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Well, Senator Jefferson Beauregard Happylyncher endorses the Great White Dope. How quaint.
I have decided to stop using Clorox bleach when I do my laundry. I’ll just throw in a Republican. That’ll wash away anything darker than off-white. So much better for my patriotic undies.

Meanwhile, Carnival Cruz couldn’t smooth a silk sheet if he had a hot date with a babe… I lost my train of thought.

“You have asked, for 30 years, and politicians have promised for 30 years to fix illegal immigration. Have they done it?” Sessions asked the crowd.

Sessions continued: “And I say, death to those career politicians in Washington! Wait! Oh, shit!”

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“Seg-gayshun now, seg-gayshun tomorrow,…”~ well, you know the rest.

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Sen. Sessions thinks he is “malleable” too.

Donald Trump now has more support from his fellow Republican senators than Ted Cruz.

Think about that for a moment.


What would one expect from Sen. Jeff “The South Shall Rise Again” Sessions?

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Neoconfederate racist nativist Sessions endorses racist nativist Trump, saying, “Two thirds of a loaf is better than no white bread at all.”

Wonder how much Trumpys paid out for all these endorsements ?

Another white supremacist heard from.