Discussion: Sen. Graham Joins 2016 GOPers Call For Social Security Cuts

Discussion for article #236993

Yeah, that’s right. Keep talking about how you’re going to cut Social Security benefits. The voters just eat that up.


Yeah! That’s the way to get those blue-hairs to vote for you Lindsey!
Threaten to CUT THEIR MEAGER INCOME to give more money to the Wealthy.
While you are at it, push to “PRIVATISE S.S.” too! That worked out so well last time around.
How do you find time to speak with your lips wrapped around Sheldon Adelson’s dick so tightly?


The easy and right thing to do back in the 80s would have been to slightly increase revenues because we knew we would have a growing aging population 30 - 40 years later. Reagan did what was easy for him, he started cutting revenues to build up the debt


“Washington’s failure to do the hard but right thing has put Social Security and Medicare in jeopardy”

Indeed…raising the FICA limit is certainly the hard but right thing to do, Captain Chickenshit. I could barely understand him for all the bok bok bok bok bok bakock going on.


Let’s start by cutting Welfare to the Corporations- no more free rides for Corporations! Let’s tax all income as income and simplify the tax code. Let’s get rid of silly things like being allowed to count non-business expenses as business tax write-offs just because you might have discussed business at a lunch you had with someone. Let’s slash military spending and get rid of the things that the military has said they don’t want. Let’s put an end to having more than ten National Intelligence Agencies. Let’s get rid of having a dozen national Federal Law Enforcement agencies.

The long list of waste is out there, but rather than do the right thing it’s “lets cut the tiniest bits from the social network instead of cutting trillions that we waste in stupid spending”


I just don’t get it. Is it a grift, or are some of these people just that clueless to the fact that they’re joke candidates?


Gee, “Miss Lindsey” just announced, and here we see his chances of even getting close to nomination vanish in a puff of smoke. The only thing more powerful than Fox “News” ability to scare its viewers is the “third rail of American politics.” Buh-bye, Senator Graham; you’re dead in the water now.


Oh my stars and garters! Lindsay “Beauragard Butchmeup” Graham is running for President! I can hardly contain my excitement! (The republi-con clown car needs to be replaced with a Boeing 747!)

That’s a winning strategy, lindsay, for ensuring that Hillary wins!


How about tying a congress critter’s salary and benefits to his productivity? Most of them would owe taxpayers a refund.


Even better, how about not appropriating the funds for non SS needs?

…and increase the retirement age to 70+.

Part of the GOTP HealthCareSolutions to the Prob-lem (channeling Je$u$Chri$t, $uper$tar)

Get Sick
Die Quick


Did I just hear Graham say something like " I know how important social security is to people, that is why I want to cut it."

How illogical is that?


Oh goodie.

Just what we want. Our boots on the ground in the middle east, and cuts to social security to pay for it!!



We forget history to our peril. Bush caught a ton of grief over his attempts to cut (i.e. privatize) SS in part because he hadn’t campaigned on the issue. The GOP learned that lesson and now are going all in on gutting it. If they win the WH, there will be a consistent drumbeat for the Senate Dems to allow President Walker to fulfill his mandate.

The Democrats need to come out consistently with calls to eliminate the cap on SS earnings and to include ALL income, not just wages. Make the billionaires pay in, too.


Thus spake the latest warrior of the GOP War on America.

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All the chairs should be removed from the Capitol to give Congress a small taste what it’s like to be on your feet all day. Nobody who wants to raise the raise the retirement age would last a day if they really had to do actual work.


Of all the friggin’ problems that plague America, one of the biggest being the dysfunction of the two houses of Congress, Graham picks SS as his cause. What a poser he is. All this partisan stance does is ensure him some more teabagger time.

Graham is just being a grunt soldier with this. He and everyone else knows that he doesn’t have a snowball’s chance in hell of being POTUS but he can go out and do the Oligarchy’s dirty work. With even the slightest hint of morals he wouldn’t front like this. Ethics and morals don’t help to pay his bills apparently.

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Boots on the ground and hands firmly on the third rail.