Discussion: Sen. Flake 'Estimates More Than 50 Shots Were Fired'

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Just 50 votes at the bullet box from a patriot using the 2nd amendment remedy like Trump and the GOPhave suggested in the past.


“It went on for about 10 minutes. A lot — dozens and dozens and dozens — of shots fired.

From the Scalise website:

Scalise introduced H.R. 58, the Firearms Interstate Commerce Reform Act (allows for the interstate sale of firearms)…Scalise has recently cosponsored include H.R.645, a bill to restore Second Amendment rights in the District of Columbia and the National Right-to-Carry Reciprocity Act of 2011(allows lawful firearm carriers from any state to carry a concealed firearm in any other state), H.R.822…Congressman Scalise’s pro-gun stance has earned him an A+ rating from the National Rifle Association


50 shots and only 1 or 2 wounded? What a shitty batting average. I guess the high capacity clip needs to be higher capacity next time. Someone better make sure to loosen any restrictions on that, stat. Where’s congress when you need 'em?


Well, Jesus seems to be handing out come-to-me moments today. Let’s hope he takes one.


I guess he eats his own cooking…

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Donald Trump went on Fox and said “Alex Jones said this shooting
didn’t happen” move on, no story here !

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Since the shooter is a middle-aged white guy, this will NEVER be referred to as “domestic terrorism”; it will simply be a misguided patriot who was made crazy by Benghazi and Obama. On cue, we will hear: It’s all liberals’ fault and could have been avoided entirely if all those present at the field were armed.

Not going to get political except for one minor point: imagine if this shooter was equipped with a suppressor/silencer “to protect his hearing”. How much worse might that have made things?


So now that Republicans were under fire, who’s ready for a little responsible gun control legislstion?

Word is he was a Sanders volunteer so “domestic terrorism” is still on the table. Only white supremacists & such get to be lone madmen.

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Scalise lay on the field for some ten minutes without aid until the shooter was taken out.

What, his fellow GOPers were too scared to try to drag him to safety?

This guy demonstrates the real reason that the NRA boys want assault rifles for hunting. They don’t like to say so but they NEED all that ammo ti hit anything.

50 bullets and he only hit 5 people?