Discussion: Sen. David Perdue Says GOP Working On 'Partial Repeal' Of Obamacare

Probably just remove birth control benefits. That will shut Mr. Limbaugh up for now.


They will tweak a few cosmetic changes, give it a new name, and take credit for overhauling health care. They could never in a thousand years admit ACA was a good idea that just needed to be adjusted as it matured.


“It’s collapsing under it’s own weight now so the quicker we do that, the quicker we get onto what we’re going to do to fix it,” he said.

They purport this lie, this fucking outright lie., as easy as someone ordering a cheeseburger. These heartless, soulless fucks. I wonder what it must be like to wake up every morning and be a complete asshole. I’m sorry…i fucking hate these people. With every inch of every helix of my DNA. I have become what i hate most…a bigot. I am bigoted towards conservatives. They are lower than fucking roaches.


Is the media lower even than roaches too? If so, we are very much on the same page. These talking heads need to lose the smiles and realize they caused this, and some people are taking note.


Translation: “Partial-Repeal” = Repeal of ACA taxes on upper .01%
Nothing more is really required.


So let me get this straight.

(taking a long, deep breath - NOTE: I have a feeling I will be doing a lot of that the next 4 years…)

The GOP has been crowing about ObamaCare, how it’s disastrous and kills grandmas, how it is making doctors leave their practice, how it’s is a job killer…they’ve been ranting about it and how we need to repeal it from “root to branch” for the past 6 years…and they STILL haven’t even got a plan in place to replace it???


Now they are going to “partially repeal” it? Why the FUCK, if it was soooo bad and they want to keep some stuff in place, did they not work in their fixes instead? They’ve had SIX years! They had the House AND Senate! Couldn’t they have just done that and we could have moved on to other things?

How long will their base be fooled? How long will it take for them to wake up to their stupid, money wasting games?

Ya know, if I weren’t so scared I’d be almost tempted to sit back and just watch them scramble in trying to appease the rabid nuts that support them while trying to figure out the best way to pretend to be doing busy work until the bell rings. But this is serious business and a lot of people like me can’t afford to be a part of their Russian Roulette gameplaying.

One good thing is they can’t blame Obama for their inability to follow through on their promise. It’s allllll on them.


This is the senator who some months ago prayed for the death of the president. I doubt he has much concern for the health of citizens of Georgia.


Let us all adopt David Perdue’s Prayer for The President

You know, I think we are called to pray. We are called to pray for our country, for our leaders, and yes, even our president, You know, in his role as president, I think we should pray for Donald Trump.
But not just any prayer, we need to be very specific about how we pray.
We should pray like Psalms 109:8 says. It says, ‘Let his days be few, and let another have his office,’. In all seriousness, I believe that America is at a moment of crisis.


I am with you on being scared. I wake up scared and I go to bed scared. This Republican shitshow is going to destroy this country.


Hopefully, there should be ZERO Democrats interested in working with the GOP on a “replacement” if ACA gets repealed. It may not be a perfect law but it’s undeniably helping people. If the GOP wants to talk about improving the law, that’s one thing. On the other hand, why should they throw the Republicans a life line to replace their law once the Republicans get into trouble for repealing it? Democrats should instead be throwing them an anchor. Democrats shouldn’t own any part of the coming mess, especially if the Republicans ram it through using Reconciliation.

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It’s the affordable part that they are gunning for.

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“It’s collapsing under it’s own weight now…”

That is the plan. Repeal is a political problem for them (what to do with 20M newly uninsured) and then there are the states that have accepted Medicare expansion, etc. My guess is they do little things like kill the mandate, undermine funding mechanisms to force a collapse, then claim “I told you so” and move on to nothing.

They will never be able to replace the program by actually insuring the uninsured b/c Obamacare, AKA Romneycare IS the Republican/Conservative plan.

They’ve promised themselves into a corner. It will be interesting to see what happe3ns.


They have nine of em

At the very least, they’re going to end up sifting through it to look for things they can change that don’t really affect anything (from a wording standpoint), and using that to to pass some hollow bill to score a “we repealed it” talking point for their too-stupid-to-understand-it base who won’t understand that it’s still Obamacare. At the very worst they’ll kick millions off of their insurance plans and wreak havoc on the healthcare industry. There’s really not much in between.

Dishonest dishonest Lauren Fox. Princeling Price is promising a “palatial” repeal of the ACA. Palaces for the pharma princes, talking heads & insurance company emirs :stuck_out_tongue:

Everybody’s having difficulty getting insurance.

The ACA is the canary in a coal mine. Frack it, and the reverberations will not only shake the insurance industry, but the health care industry, businesses, the middle class, and ultimately, inevitably the Military Industrial Complex. The collapse will be bigger than the collapse of the Soviet Union.

Exactly which part of the middle class can can subsidize health care for 20 million federal, state, and local government officials, plus another 2 million active duty and reserve military, plus another 10 million government contractors, plus their own children, and now their elderly parents?

“Tax and spend” doesn’t even begin to describe the Republican economic plan.

My how prescient Alan Grayson was in outlining the republicans plan…Get sick? Die quickly. Perdue and his ilk are the ones who should be 6 feet under.

I would hope they see the wisdom in tweaking or just fixing it since their followers won’t know the difference anyway. The first thing that should happen if that’s what they do however is not confirming Tom Price who will never accept that