Discussion for article #231089
Let’s put this in perspective. Sure, Bush lied us into a tragic war but his memorial socks, being peddled by the GOP, are to die for!
Sherman, set the Wayback machine to 2003.
Of course he did. We knew that at the time. Rational people watched the build up to the war, with war material being shipped over to the mideast. We knew what was going on. We knew he and his minions were manufacturing bullshit evidence to justify the war.
He wanted that war more than a teenage kid wants a car. He wanted to be the big hero for the republican party; he loved it that Cheney did all the work and he got to land on the carrier.
We listened to the bullshit arguments for ages before they finally decided now’s the time. We all knew it. The only people who refused to know it were the people representing the news business.
I don’t remember seeing “Misled” under the definition of Lied His Ass off.
Telling us what we already know accomplishes nothing. Put the criminals on trial, or not. If not, talk about something else.
NOW he says this?
We knew this in 2002! The CIA told us this.
The cowards in the Senate (including Levin) ignored the CIA and believed Cheney’s hand-picked (and cherry-picked) Intelligence (using the term very loosely) group he set up in the Pentagon to rubber-stamp his pre-conceived ideas.
My first thoughts are that this is right up there with the surprise I felt when it was disclosed that Kennedy died from the wounds he suffered from being shot in Dallas. In other words, why are we surprise at all? The whole war was one Big Lie, and by now everyone except those who created the lie and perpetrated the lie darn well know it…
Sen. Carl Levin: Bush Misled Nation In Run-Up To Iraq War
And he’s only figured this out now?
Even Cheney knew this years ago while he was still VP. He even knew it when he was lying about it the first time.
Umm, Levin opposed that war, and as I recall, expressed doubts about the evidence presented regarding WMDs.
Oh the irony. We all know who ,why, how and when and the cost.
When you experts going to hold them accountable??
Before or after they die of old age?