Discussion: Sen. Ben Sasse Tells Trump To Step Aside And 'Let Mike Pence Try'

It will be news when pol who previously supported Trump calls on him to drop out. This doesn’t have any weight.


"Donald Trump released a late night video that was a hollow insincere apology that turned into a sleazy attack on Bill and Hillary Clinton that just burned the Republican Party to the ground. "

After this how many repubs will be in line this morning buying new TVs for I know bricks and what ever was handy went through many screens last night,GOOD .

From the Urban Dictionary

An insincere apology or expression of regret, often blaming the
aggrieved party for being offended or bringing up an irrelevant topic to

“Did you hear Don Imus’ nonpology the other day? Like his racist remarks are actually the result of rap music.”

“I really get tired of politicians’ nonpologies. All they’re really saying is they’re sorry they got caught.”

#blame the victim
#don imus

by stogoe
April 24, 2007"


yeah yeah…

Mike Pence… that’s the ticket…

replace one loud mouth misogynist with one that’s just quiet in his disrespect for women…


It doesn’t matter. The only thing that Donald Trump could possibly do is sign a binding contract to step down should he win the election and make Pence the President. It is already too late to remove him from all but a small fraction of the ballots. Add to that, according to an election lawyer back during the Convention, most states have laws which prevent the electors from voting for someone who is not on the ballot. A write-in campaign is unlikely to succeed because most states just throw those out as a matter of course, and that is only if they have the mechanisms for write-ins. Not all states or districts do Oh, and putting a sticker on your ballot could invalidate the results if it is noticed, and would still be considered a vote for Trump anyway.

In other words, Republicans, you’re screwed.


Dear Trump Supporters,

Please stand up for your candidate. Don’t let the GOP establishment steal the nomination from the illustrious Mr. Trump.

Every day he states exactly what you, his supporters, strongly believe in.

Sincerely yours,



Ya thinking all about beds you’ve made and sleeping in them.
Look where party before country got them all .
They all look stupid and I dare say are stupid . No amount of Koch money is going to save them


Worth a repost:
I’m no great fan of Ana Navarro, but her take down on CNN
last night of ever-smirking Trump mouthpiece, Scottie Hughes, was a
long overdue delight.

WASHINGTON ― Well? What’s left to do in this presidential
campaign except shout about women’s hoohas?Ana Navarro, a Republican CNN
contributor, went ahead and took care of that early Saturday. Hours
after a bombshell video surfaced of GOP presidential nominee Donald
Trump making lewd comments about women ― he talked about grabbing women
“by the pussy,” among other things ― Navarro tore into Republicans still
standing by him.“I think that every single Republican is going to have
to answer the question, ‘What did you do the day you saw the tape of
this man boasting about grabbing a woman’s pussy?’” Navarro said
angrily. “Period.”

That was too much raunch for fellow panelist Scottie Nell
Hughes, a Trump surrogate, who chided Navarro for using the “p”
word.“Will you please stop saying that word?” Hughes said. “My daughter
is listening.”
That really did NOT go over well with
Navarro.“You know what Scottie? Don’t you dare tell me you’re offended
when I say ‘pussy,’ but you’re not offended when Donald Trump says it!”
Navarro shouted at Hughes. “I’m not running for president. He is.”Hughes
tried to interject, but Navarro kept going.“Don’t you dare act outraged
and offended when I say the word that you’re not offended by the man
who you are supporting for president is saying,” Navarro continued.
“That is absurd.”

I just had to applaud her!


In a tweet Saturday, Sasse asked Trump to honorably exit the race.

Well now, that’s just taunting.

Would he ask a man in a wheel chair to dance the macarena?


I know reporters are still wrangling with how best to describe Trump’s statements but I have to say, I really dislike the “lewd remarks” formulation. The least of the problems with Trump’s statements is their lewdness. He is bragging really about his his penchant for sexual assault. His comments aren’t “naughty” or rude. They are aggressively criminal.


Mark Kirk called for him to drop out. Of course, he has been all over the place with his support and endorsement,and is a dead man walking electorally anyway.

Coffman from Colorado has also made a call for Trump to drop out, along with Chaffetz and the governor of Utah. Toss in Mike Lee…and Utah may very well slip out of Trump’s hands.


Funeral to be held November 9th, 2016


Grab 'Em by The puSSy! Genius ouTreach to,women VoterS!


this is the most fantastic thing i’ve seen tonight. maybe this year pic.twitter.com/JZPl6iUaJi

— Sam Stein (@samsteinhp) October 8, 2016

This video of that moment…up close so you can see the actual reactions…is beyond priceless. Scotty’s eyes bug out of her head!


Fox News says there are comPeting scandals. HitlarY transcripts LeaKed by Wikileaks. Why hasn’t hairy reiD callEd for Her resignation?

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Each and every Republican member of Congress, Republican state legislator, and former Republican big wigs- Hey guys you built this Trump movement, you didn’t do your due diligence when Trump entered the race, and you certainly have a hand in creating the atmosphere for the last 30-40 years of moving your base to accept someone like Trump. You can not now claim this is a step too far. Your Republican cheerleaders Imus, Rush, Ingraham, Dana Loesch and many more have cultivated and trained your base for years. You guys didn’t listen to the Sasses, Lees, and others, so now you are stuck with your candidate. If your try and change horses mid stream the baggage you carry will still be trailing behind you.


I doubt the power-hungry in the GOP world would allow the vote-less Veep selection of predator Trump to rise. BTW, aren’t ballots printed and ready?

Sasse asked Trump to honorably exit the race.

I believe it is customary when asking some to “do the honorable thing” to leave a bottle of whiskey and a loaded revolver on the coffee table. Since Trump allegedly doesn’t drink, perhaps a couple of lines could be left on the glass top instead.


Nobody liKes a small paiR of tits. Vote trump!


Not to mention the millions of early Drumpf voters, absentee ballots already mailed out, etc.

The GOP is really and truly screwed…

Thanks FSM.