Discussion for article #246419
I’m not sure I expected this…
What does Hassan say? Ayotte needs to lose.
As I was talking to the Chair, I met a man who wasn’t there.
He wasn’t there again today. How I wish he’d go away.
She’s angling for VP; has been forever. Do your damn job, Senator!
Perhaps she would like to meet with the end of her political career in New England for being such a coward?
Hmmm, and she was supposed to be one of the few sane GOPers???
The ad writes itself. Obama’s nominee knocking on Ayotte’s door…no answer. What is she afraid of?
Kick her the fuck out of office. She hasn’t done a lick of good for the people of New Hampshire anyhow.
Because she will not be there when it happens?
By her rationale, she has no say in this, either. If the President can’t perform his duties in his last year in office, then neither can she. New Hampshire will be seating a new senator in January 2017.
She needs to lose, but I’m betting this helps her, not hurts.
And the country has profited so greatly from following Republican advice…/s
Yes, the ad DOES write itself. Vote her out.
Like Jed Bartlet in The West Wing, the eventual nominee should go to the senators’ offices, ask to see them, and wait outside–surrounded, of course, by the media.
It seems to me the point these folks are missing is that their obstruction may be a factor in the Democrats regaining control of the Senate. As such, if they wish to have any say as to who the eventual nominee is, now may be their only opportunity. If Mrs. Clinton or Mr. Sanders win the Presidency, the input from Republican members becomes meaningless, not only procedurally, but politically.
Shades of The West Wing
Obama is gonna make them pay for this. I don’t know how, but I know he will.
I always thought she was a right wing acolyte and a leadership suck up.
What a sleazy unethical and lazy scumbag Kelly Ayotte is.
She spent her entire time in the senate as wallflower and furniture for the GOPs inspiring loser Presidential candidates Johnny McCain and Lindsay Lohan.
Kelly should learn think for herself instead of following the herd and mooching at the trough of her taxpayer salary and health care benefits. She is following the herd of dinosaur turtles like Ditch McConnell. Johnny McCain and Lindsay Lohan like a dumb lemming.
The Constitution does not give the people " a say"…and we know damn well she wouldn’t be spewing that made to order bull shit if it was a GOP’er Prez in question.
Obama will nominate a man or woman that tilts the Court back to the left. The GOP’ers like it the way it is…a Right Wing clearing house. So they play the odds and do it by the rules. The next election will put either a Democrat or a GOP’er in office. If it’s a Democrat they lose nothing in delaying. Don’t win either. If it’s a GOP’er they win and keep their wet dream SCOTUS.
And that’s all there is to it. But like I said they do it by the rules…they get on message. “Let the people decide” and “long tradition” etc…it’s all your going to hear and you can bet you ass this scam never gets called down for what it is. A diversion from Constitutional requisite and precedent going back to 1789. They aren’t looking after America or “the people”…just themselves and power.
New Hampshire does not have an independent moderate for a Senator. They have a formula GOP’er just like those from the Deep South.