Discussion for article #229439
I’m sure he was just doing research.
Seems like a major case of “do as I say, not as I do” going on!
So he was caught in a surveillance sting going into a known prostitution hotspot, and he just pulls the typical right wing tactic of blaming the White House, by making up some story that it was one of their people who sent the prostitute to his room.
Hey it works for Fox, when they find a way to blame this President if someone stubs a toe, and then turn it into a full blown scandal worthy of the Great Issa wasting millions more for a bogus “investigation”, so why not go with the White House made me do it?
Live by the sword, die by the sword.
That said, women who do sex work are very nice people providing a service.
He was conducting a probe into criminal activities.
And this guy was supposed to be a credible source when he reported to Congress on a WH “coverup” over a staffer. Hah. His credibility just went out the window with this revelation. I guess the old maxim, it takes one to know one, still stands.