Times up Dotard and Republicans
All the foreign cash you took is coming back to haunt you.
Secret Mueller…better than secret Santa!
Probably Saudi-Arabia or one of the smaller actors in the region, which tend to merge the Regent’s personal economy with the nation’s. Intriguing.
Whatever the company is, it apparently is owned by some national government. How many countries do that?
We’ll soon get to see just how partisan the SC is with 2 Dotard appointees. Will they uphold our laws and Constitution or the republican interpretation of trump=good, justice=bad?
I’m thinking bank and NRA $$$$
Drip, drip, drip…
When the company first appealed to SCOTUS most “experts” said it was unlikely that SCOTIS would take it up because they don’t normally listen to cases under seal.
Guess we’ll see if Trump managed to stack the deck enough in his favor to overcome norms.
As for which company I’m guessing one of the foreign banks Trump did/does business with
Boy, if a conservative majority agreed that:
“the Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act made the company immune from the subpoena. “
you could just shut the door and turn out the lights on the grand experiment we call America.
It’s possible SCOTUS might make more details public. It’s also possible (not likely, but nevertheless possible) that the company wants that to happen.
Nope. Roberts is thinking about legacy. He may be a corporate asshole but he’s not prepared to sell that legacy (oh, and, by the way–THE FUCKING NATION) to foreign oligarchs. The very fact that they’re hearing the case tells us this.
Speculation is Bank of China. Who knows? Da Shadow do.
All the treasonous conflicts of interest are finally coming to light. Trump couldn’t give a rat’s ass about this country or the rule of law; both are disposable when his personal wealth and power are at stake.The mystery foreign company is almost certainly Cypriot or Russian (Ukrainian or Chinese?) and it’s probably a direct link to Fat Nixon and his Crime Family.
And since all secrets tend to become public, Roberts does need to worry. If for some reason it stays hidden, the rumors will do as much or more damage to his reputation than the truth.
Roberts already loathes Trump for the Kavanaugh disgrace and probably was not happy about Merrick Garland.
Any of the Gulf states, lots of state-owned enterprises there. But the states themselves are privately owned by the King or Emir or whatever they want to call themselves.
“China” starts with a C. “Country A” must be Andorra? Antigua? It can’t be Antarctica, there’s no national government there. Maybe Albania, as part of a covert anti-Montenegro coalition.
SCOTUS has never had a case where everything has been totally conducted in private.
Well, if they have, would we know it?